[link|http://www.ornl.gov/ORNLReview/rev26-34/text/colmain.html|Megatons of bad shit]

This from ORNL (Oak Ridge).

"No Nukes" is such a wonderfully simplistic slogan - in a culture wherein nowadays only a small minority has any idea of F=MA, even tinier numbers might know what a Chart of the Nuclides might be.. and why they should care.

And in 2001: 'trucks' (read: antiquated truck chasses with Expen$ive bodies bolted on) - surpassed 'auto' sales. Oh - and at profit margins previously unknown. Lincoln Navigator may be the single most profitable operation in all of Corporatedom (heard recently). Also - among the Heaviest; saw an Ad for it recently.. spinning do-nuts on some fragile tundra somewhere.

Whether EPA or more realistic fuel ratings are posted, is irrelevant. [The Ads convinced me!] I Want It\ufffd joins Just Do It! .. as representative of the mindset of the average Murican non-voting consumer. Hell, The Wastemakers (book) must be ~ 30 years old by now. No doubt unread except by the washed.

So no paeans to Sanity, efforts to edjacate the unwashed - appear to have any slightest effect. Add up enough Me-Me-Mes and you get: Us-Us-Us; it isn't much of a stretch to see Tom Lehrer's sententious sonnets about the er trends - come true as we watch.

I could be wrong, but thus far I'm of the opinion that - language has been by now so thoroughly corrupted by Ad-speak, Corp-TLA-speak and Political bafflegab, that no honest information could ever get through the organized Interested-liars. ie

If *tomorrow* there were a hard-sighting of an asteroid-let heading for Corporate Earth - and we could choose

A) a crash-program of deflection OR
B) have another year of 0% loans for new UAVs


Species-intolerant, I guess..
And we seem to be the Ferenghi.