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New Catching up to Sci-Fi
Just lost 20 minutes Googling and couldn't find it, but I read about this years ago. They had developed hyperspace travel, but people couldn't handle it while conscious. In order to get ships through, pilots had to have several modifications, including replacing the heart with a continuous-flow impeller system.

New Wow. I remember that... just can't think of the author.

Was it that series?

Of course, I am guessing here. I don't quite remember this clearly. I remember seeing re-runs of this or something like it on the independent channel here in town, which is now a Fox Affiliate.
New Never saw it on TV, name doesn't sound familiar though

New don't remember that in Blake's 7
I had most of the series on VHS. Wish they'd do a Region 1 DVD release, but it's apparently been shelved.

I did find this, though based on the above I suspect it's not legit
     Living without a pulse - (jay) - (5)
         Re: Living without a pulse - (hnick)
         Catching up to Sci-Fi - (drook) - (3)
             Wow. I remember that... just can't think of the author. - (folkert) - (2)
                 Never saw it on TV, name doesn't sound familiar though -NT - (drook)
                 don't remember that in Blake's 7 - (SpiceWare)

It would have been much more tolerable if they used wires and an action figure.
35 ms