Turns out they migrated everything based on the assumption that you only have one domain.
So the old homepath was "/home/u6/drook", which I saw via SSH as "~/", but I could still access "/home/u6/drook"
The webroot for the primary domain was "/home/u6/drook/html"
The webroot for secondary domains was "/home/u6/drook/subdomain/html"
When they modified my code, the new webroot path is "/services/webpages/util/d/r/drook.site.aplus.net/"
But when I log in via SSH I see "/"
The webroot I see when I log in is "/public"
The webroot I see for secondary domains is "/domain/public"
The support person
thought that I should never see "public" in the path, until I pointed out that I've got several domains, and she said, "Oh, yes, so you would see 'public'."
So now I've got three contexts: logged in via SSH, code executed by the webserver, and scripts kicked off via crontab. Each context sees a different homepath and webroot. And they "helpfully" updated all of my code where they saw "/home/u6/drook" and changed it to "/services/webpages/util/d/r/drook.site.aplus.net/" ... no, wait, they changed anything that
started with "/home/u6/drook". So where the config file said "define('IR_INSTALL_DIR','/home/u6/drook
/html/list');" it now says "define('IR_INSTALL_DIR','/services/webpages/util/d/r/drook.site.aplus.net/');
And they changed the username for the database to -- and I'm not making this up:
Database user name: first 10 characters of domain name + random 6-digit number
Database name: Your user name is appended to the end of every database name.
I've got
multiple domains, each with a database. What are the 6-digit numbers? And phpMyAdmin only appears under the primary domain, so how do I get to the DB for the other domain?
They boned this process
hard. I'm pretty good at this shit, and it took me a while to figure out what they did wrong. Average users are going to be totally lost.