My website host just upgraded their network, moving shared hosting into a cluster. Fine. But I can no longer SSH to my domain name, I have to connect to some other domain, which they didn't tell me about in advance. Fine, that's fixed now.
And they changed the filesystem that's visible to users! My crontab isn't working now, because it's pointing to a location that doesn't exist any more. And the script it's pointing to won't work, because it had filepaths in it that also won't exist any more. So I go look into the script ... AND THEY CHANGED IT! WHAT THE FUCK! I know it was going to have to change, but THEY CHANGED MY CODE!
I've got backups of that shit. What happens when I try to make a change, test it locally, and upload it? And the changes they made to it aren't even using the filesystem that's visible to me when logged in via SSH. So which path do I use, the one I can see when logged in, or the path their system set it to? What path would be visible to the user the webserver runs as? What user does my crontab run as? What path does that user see.
Goddamn I'm so pissed off right now. And I'm supposed to be releasing the new book any day now, but I can't be sure my mailing list is working. And for the past week I haven't been able to log in to see if it's been running correctly. Last entry in the log is from the 5th. But is that the last time it ran, or is that when they took the backup of the logfile that was just restored to the new location?
I tried to submit a trouble ticket, and that page is broken, too. So I got onto their live chat and asked for documentation of what they changed so I could fix it. He asked for the URL so he could have 3rd Tier fix it. NO! Give me the fucking docs and I'll do it myself. It's not a URL anyway, and I don't want you touching my files again.