Wedding is over!
Grandson was ok. For the first couple of hours. Found someone to watch him at church, so I put him to bed in the nursery. Slept until the ceremony was over.
I didn't stumble, fall, or otherwise make a fool of myself as I walked her down the aisle (He bio dad died a couple years ago, so she asked me to do the honors). Ceremony was nice.
Back to grandson... Woke up because of the noise after the ceremony. Crabby, not enough sleep... Went to the reception. Wedding party had to go take more photos. Grandson hungry, tired, thirsty... Found crackers and cheese at reception. And OJ. Calmed him for about an hour. Or until the wedding party arrived. I managed to listen to the best man and maid of honor speeches. Then I took grandson (Alex) to the hotel. Fed him, got milk and juice for him, and put him to bed. He slept for 2 hours, while mom and grandma partied at the reception. The we, Alex and I, watched TV for another 2 hours until grandma called to say party was over. Alex and I picked up our "women", dropped them off at the hotel, and we came home. Carried him in, put him in bed, and he is OUT.
Since she is "only" my step daughter, (we are close), I thought it would be best for daughter and mom (or mom and grandma) to be at the reception, without having to worry about Alex.
Any everyone seemed to have had a good time.
1 wedding down. 4 left to go...