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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New I'm ready.
I'm glad I took accounting classes taught almost entirely via double-entry accounting on ledger paper. Surely there will still be (physical!) beans that need counting and accounting for in the next age.

If not that, I was pretty handy at one point at mechanical drafting with pencil and paper, though I would miss the glorified eraser that is a CAD workstation.

I even know a little metal working (milling, lathing, casting, that sort of thing) and could assist in the construction of such things as farm implements and replacement parts for "obsolete" or outlawed mechanical devices.

I'm also told I play decent (bass) guitar, and so could accompany any of you attempting to pass on knowledge and/or traditions via what would be one of the few surviving methods.

Of course I might be asked to participate in accounting irregularities, or be accused of improperly violating a patent on a device or a copyrighted work, regardless of the involvement of a digital device in the process. *sigh*

Chris Altmann
New Remember the 'digital pigeon' network tests?
Can't find the bookmark re the ping time data collection! Bet that Ben T. has it. (Wonder what the 'time to live' on a healthy young pigeon is?)

Lots of space for pigeons around here - I doubt the satellites can resolve Quite that well, for aiming The Ronnie R Memorial Space Lasers .. so prolly the varous disruptive cells will be able to communicate.

But KISS will be mandatory! No more fanciful musings and sententious sonnets, just:

What'll it be today chaps?
Mindless destruction, senseless violence or.. finding another M$ hole and filling it?

Hell, maybe skullduggery on a monumental scale could be as much fun as Robespierre? Thanks, Will S. - it really IS just a play, after all..

Ashton the Untroubled

(Dunno if cornet & bass guitar are a winning duet ;-)

New The "time to live" . .
Well, the longest time I've heard of for a racing pigeon to take to get home was 8 years (they can live to 12 years or more). He didn't say where he'd been.

Lockheed Aircraft was, not so many years ago, using pigeons to get microfilm from Burbank to Santa Barbara during rush hour (even then, the Ventura freeway was pretty slow during the late afternoon). A truck would bring fresh pigeons down during the night after traffic had cleared up.

The Swiss army retired their pigeon corps about three years ago.
     Looks like the Seattlement is on - (Silverlock) - (14)
         Re: Looks like the Seattlement is on - (reid)
         Take it or leave it? - (Brandioch)
         It doesn't matter. - (imric) - (5)
             Maybe two years ago this would have seemed Chicken Littleish - (Ashton) - (3)
                 I'm ready. - (altmann) - (2)
                     Remember the 'digital pigeon' network tests? - (Ashton) - (1)
                         The "time to live" . . - (Andrew Grygus)
             Short Answer: No... - (jb4)
         Another view. - (Another Scott)
         And Claude Rains was shocked to find gambling at Rick's -NT - (andread) - (4)
             I'm shocked! Shocked! - (admin) - (3)
                 {sniff} Yes, once {choke} they actually made Movies -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                     They still do. - (Silverlock) - (1)
                         Apropos.. - (Ashton)

We of the Church of Emacs feel that vi usage isn't a sin, but rather a penance.
51 ms