Post #31,265
3/7/02 7:09:38 PM
Your lack of reading comprehension doesn't make you smarter
Okay, this is getting out of hand, and I'm going to have to slam both Ben and Boxley right now.
Near as I can make out, somehow:
[link||The only time the American military has ever been decisively beaten was by the Vietminh and Vietcong.]
...has become transmogrified into me claiming that the US has won all its wars up to Vietnam. Is it only Ben and Boxley, or is everyone unable to see the differences between these two assertions? Somehow "never been decisively beaten" got garbled into [link||"saying that the US won every war up to Vietnam."] (I have separately said that we held our own in 1812, and that all things considered, that amounts to a victory of sorts. Which it does, and I've explained [link||exactly how]. But I never said that we won by Ben Tilly's standard of having won, whatever that may be.)
Starting with failure to parse a perfectly clear English sentence, these two go on to flame me for all sorts of things on a broad array of topics, some of which I said and also supported, but most of which I didn't even say. And then they just got sillier. All the while getting further and further off the original topic, and even jumping fora. Oh, and Screamer jumped in too. But Ben and Box are two chief flamers.
Now I don't mind a good argument, or even a good flame war. But these two just went off the deep end from the beginning. As shown above, their lack of reading comprehension allowed it to happen. But the root cause is another question. To me, the pattern of their retorts suggests they have ideological axes to grind, and that there is a lot of emotion invested in them. Boxley never made a lick of sense. At first I honestly thought he was kidding. Screamer said something too lame to be worth responding too, and then called me a loser for duly ignoring it. Ben made some interesting observations, but never recovered his equilibrium enough to understand just what was actually being said, or what it actually being said about. Their repeated knee-jerk flamages, like Brownian motion, carried us over all sorts of interesting ground. I gave up on Box early, but I gave Ben the benefit of the doubt, until he started playing standards games with what just what qualifies as "savage", or "nasty, brutish and short" as if my precise meaning weren't perfectly obvious from the context. It's the most economical way to construct strawmen, but that's all it has going for it.
But now I know [link||exactly how Ben got all confused, and how soon.] So there's no point now in proceeding, and nothing to do but point out what happened.
Well, now I've called them on it. This whole blowup was their fault. They misread me from the beginning, and rather than correct their error, just went further and afield into irrationality. For proof of that assertion, see above.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #31,268
3/7/02 7:42:46 PM
This is fucking surreal.
Yeah, I understand the "1812" thread migrated here from some other forum (probably the one I gave up on after I found Merkins -- folks like you, Marlowe, above all -- are about as narrow-minded, parochial, and dominated by your religious superstition as the Taliban that whole forum celebrates your pathetic "victory" over), and now it is, alas, here.
But why the fuck do you post *this* screed, above, *here*?!? Doesn't it belong in whatever forum your silly "flame-war" (which is an abuse of terminology, BTW; certainly the posts by Ben, whom you call a "chief flamer", I saw in this forum are nowhere near "flames") came from?
Whydoncha fucking KEEP it there (and in your pants)!
Christian R. Conrad Of course, who am I to point fingers? I'm in the "Information Technology" business, prima facia evidence that there's bats in the bell tower. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #31,270
3/7/02 8:04:00 PM
The only response appropriate here is:
HEY ADMIN: MOVE TO FLAME. (and then, when it is in flame) Hey Marlowe: You are a racist moron.
And hey CRC: What the fuck do you mean about 'merkins? I'm 'merkin, and you almost NEVER see me participating in these types of stupid discussions, and when I do, only to comment as above.
(you want me to ask if you are a female again?) That should trigger off a new shitstorm.
Post #31,271
3/7/02 8:11:42 PM
Heh.. I'll reply/explain once it's in the correct forum! :-)
Post #31,272
3/7/02 8:13:33 PM
ROFL...good one Barry
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,278
3/7/02 9:08:41 PM
Sentient LRPDism...
"An "Outside Context Problem" if ever there was one."
Wade, busy doing an Ashton...
"All around me are nothing but fakes Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"
Post #31,293
3/7/02 10:19:20 PM
What about the Civil War?
the southern states surrendered, so about half of the country lost a big bloody war. Also before Vietnam there was Korea, right? Ah well, can't win them all, but we can put a spin on those that we lost.
Trick question, some claim that Vietnam or Korea was a police action and not an "Official War".
"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
Post #31,337
3/8/02 9:03:04 AM
Southerners would see that differently.
The Confederacy considered itself a separate country.
But good one! Very clever.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #31,443
3/9/02 12:11:39 AM
Yes sir,
but they lost, or rather they claim that Lee surrendered and they didn't. The USA (Union) told the CSA (Confederates) that they could not leave the Union and when they tried to leave, the Union took back those states eventually.
But alas, ever since WWII, war has been fought differently. No more "Prima Donna" Generals like Patton or MacAuthur, at least not so after Korea when Truman fired MacAuthur. Even Swartzkopf knew that Saddam needed to be taken out of power back in the Gulf War, but Poppa Bush didn't want that. But anyway, maybe Dubya will clean up Poppa Bush's mess?
"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
Post #31,327
3/8/02 8:29:48 AM
How gracious of you
Thank you for giving us this insight on how you view the world.
I really can't think of anything else anyone could have done to more effectively confirm the various opinions that various people already have of each other.
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,339
3/8/02 9:17:09 AM
How facile of you.
I've pointed out exactly how and where you went off the deep end, and this is your reply?
See, this is why self respecting people reject your burden of proof. We know no amount of evidence will change your mind. You don't want to be convinced. You want to defend your own self righteousness.
You can defend your own self righteousness all you want, but not on my dime. Political correctness doesn't make you superior.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #31,364
3/8/02 11:20:16 AM
You pointed to a bunch of posts of yours and claimed that they showed various things. Those assertions do not appear to match reality AFAICT.
It would be like my saying that posts like [link||this] demonstrates that you need to work on your reasoning ability. It is a post and may or may not show anything. And the fact that I say what I want people to think it means doesn't mean much at all.
In any case you have given your view of the affair. Here is mine. Anyone who wants can review the posts in question and make their own mind up about the affair.
This started when I decided to call you on a random assertion that you made. You make a lot of these assertions, generally without much supporting evidence, and frequently I think they are wrong. So I pointed one out. You responded and in your response changed the subject slightly and made more such assertions. That was OK by me because now I had more wrong assertions to work with. So I pointed them out. After a few iterations we progressed over a fair range of topics, with various interjections from others.
In general I was willing to let the conversation move pretty far. You kept on throwing up more wrong assertions for me to work with, and I kept on pointing them out. There was but one significant exception. You tried to paint me as arguing for an ethical postiion I had not asserted. I didn't want to wander into a discussion of ethics for the simple reason that there is a strong subjective element in how people interpret ethical decisions, so disagreements there are often hard to reduce to factual errors. So instead of moving to a subjective topic, I pointed out your factual error.
All in all it was actually quite fun. We wound up covering a fairly good range of historical topics, and in looking up things I ran into some interesting things. (For instance I liked the letter about George Washington's views on how relations with the Indians should be conducted.)
However it now appears that you have fallen back on your standard defence mechanism of a self-referential circle of assertions which frees you (in your own mind at least) of any obligation to justify any assertion, ever. Therefore I am leaving this discussion in this forum as I left it in the Terrorism forum. It is not worth my time to continue confirming people's opinions of you, and I am not going to bother.
You have, once again, outlasted my interest level. Enjoy beating your chest about it as much as you want.
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,376
3/8/02 1:06:14 PM
Ben, you misread from the beginning.
Not just that first assertion. Most of the others, too. It's been demonstrated exactly how you misread the first one. That's the start of this thread, in case you've already lost track. If you won't acknowledge that, after it's been put right in your face, there's no point in going into the others.
You screwed up. We all do. No biggie. But then you went off the deep end. And now you're refusing to face the fact that you've screwed up when it's pointed out to you in precise detail. That's just plain childish.
I'm going to respond to you henceforth in a different manner. From now on I will rarely respond directly. You'll just distort everything and try to drag us both down your rabbit hole again. Instead, I'll respond indirectly, by addressing various root fallacies, including those which you happen to commit. I will address these fallacies either on this site, or else will post here and link to said comments. I will do so not all at once, and at times of my choosing, in formats of my choosing. It will be simply another part of my ongoing campaign to expose the fallacies and falsehoods of both squishy and hard left.
I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of making it purely personal. You're just one of many to me now. I doubt you've had an original thought in years. Maybe never. You're so caught up in racial politics and collective grievance, I wonder if you even understand what it is to think and act as an individual. Individual isn't as individual doesn't. So I'll just deal with what you represent on a wholesale basis. It's more effcient.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #31,329
3/8/02 8:38:21 AM
Whining doesnt make you comely
Uh, Marlowe I have never flamed you YET! Yes I do tend to see the Native Americans slightly differently than most as I have lived amongst them and am married to one. You have a "If it aint White it aint right" Attitude towards the settlement of the USA. Lots of people do, you are not alone. All I have tried to point out is that attitude isnt nescessarily correct. I am still waiting for a detailed response on how white towns on the frontier were inherently superior than Indian towns. All I get is this self centered snivel about how I am picking on you. Ok, you dont wish to think about things, you are convinced you are right and dont wish to discuss it. Fine As for flamage? You havnt bothered me enough to flame you. thanx, bill
There is no difference between a "settler," "soldier," "secular," or "Chassidic Jew." The target is the JEW. \ufffd Harvey Tannenbaum
Post #31,338
3/8/02 9:08:41 AM
3/8/02 9:12:26 AM
And all I'm pointing out is...
you have grossly distorted my attitude in order to attack a straw man, and you really should have known better.
[Ed note: Oops, I confused you with Ben Tilly in the original second paragraph. Sorry about that. An easy mistake to make. The first para applies to both of you, though.]
Let the admin move this thread wherever he sees fit. The whole thing got put in the open Forum by Boxley, and nobody objected at the time that I noticed, so that's where I posted this.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Edited by marlowe
March 8, 2002, 09:12:26 AM EST
Post #31,341
3/8/02 9:25:28 AM
Marlowe is a facist wife beater :)
You would say anything to avoid a rational serious discussion about facts. I started the thread here because the war of 1812 is not pertinent to the war on terror forum. It is a historical debate. You objected to my assertion that theft of land was the primary object of that war. You (rightly) quoted the law of the sea issues and (wrongly) asserted that the land was empty undeeded and ripe for expansion. The Ohio valley was deeded by both the british and the us colonial governments to various tribal entities. You then asserted that if the Indians followed the whiteman road they would have been assimilated. I pointed out to you several instances where that happened and the land was stolen anyway. You graciously acceeded the point about the cherokees but asserted the northern tribes were different. I then asked you to say how they were different. You quoted Washington I quoted first hand and written historical experience then instead of going point by point to explain why in detail how a white frontier town was differnt and morally superior than an Indian frontier town you whine about race baiting. Either you have no interest in expanding our(common) historical knowledge and expanding this part of history to others reading the thread or you see a chance that your self image might be tarnished by finding out that something you firmly believed "because" might have to take a shift. dive in or out. thanx, bill
There is no difference between a "settler," "soldier," "secular," or "Chassidic Jew." The target is the JEW. \ufffd Harvey Tannenbaum
Post #31,377
3/8/02 1:46:38 PM
Forgive me for fueling your troll fire...
I owe an explanation. I said I would not respond to Marlowe anymore... and in order to spare anyone who would be so inclined to read the threads in question... I feel obliged to give the following synopsis in my view. Give me one shred of evidence that the state of nature was some Rousseauan paradise in North America just before the civilized man came along and actually recorded some observations for posterity. As it is, your question-begging blameshifting, and the bogus placement of the burden of proof with which you justify it, almost go beyond squishy leftism into mouth-foaming hard leftism. I replied by posting a link to the Serpent Mound in Ohio. I was willing to ceed you the fact that it was not a "Rousseauan paradise", but I took strong objection to your use of the words "until civilized man". Whether you are cogniscent of it or not, you telegraphed (to me at least) your true view of the native population in this country. It is the manifest destiny that Indians should be slaughtered because Europeans were technologically and morally superior. By using the word "civilized" you are implying that the people here before were "uncivilized". The concept that the native Americans were savage and therefore (implied) better off after their own genocide because "superior" people conquered them doesn't hold much weight with me. I don't feel a great need to explain why this point of view is so offensive to a sentient human being. I basically called your ideas racist. But then, you simply replied... You blew it... Because the mound builders weren't around when the Europeans arrived... I blew it! I then asked, who built the mounds? Native Americans or Europeans? I also alluded to the Aztec pyramids, the Incas, the Adenas and many other great native Amercian civilizations... CIVILIZATIONS. Note the word origin CIVILIZ ... I asked you: I'm thinkink terminology is getting in our way again. When you say I blew it, do you mean that I don't understand the difference between before Europeans came and after? Or do you mean that I don't understand that native American (Indian) is a code word for only the tribes that were present and accounted for when the white man arrived? I mean, I was under the impression that you were saying "before whites - uncivilized, after whites - civilized"... Did I misunderstand?
To which you now say: Screamer said something too lame to be worth responding too, and then called me a loser for duly ignoring it. Factually innaccurate. I said you "blew it" after, and only after, you asserted that I blew it. I never used the word "loser". In fact, I have never called you a name except TROLL. I have been attacking your ideas, not only because I think they are wrong, they are (in this case) textbook racism. I have asked you "who the fuck are you to decide?" (what civilized is). I have not called you a name. There is a distinction. Now, I'll leave you to yourself. Please leave me alone as well.
Just a few thoughts,
"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow for the new revolution, smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday..."
P. Townshend
"Nietzsche has an S in it" Celina Jones
Post #31,378
3/8/02 2:08:14 PM
Savage savages savaging something-or-other.
Ahhhh, you see, Marlowe is trying to do what he tried to do before.
Being a savage fighter (savage used as an adjective to the noun "fighter") does NOT make you a "savage" (used as a noun) or even "uncivilized" (used as an adjective).
To put it in other terms, someone who is civilized (lives in a town, farms & raises food animals) can be a viscious (savage) fighter when threatened. This does not make him a "savage".
savage (noun) savage (verb) savage (adjective) savagely (adverb)
A savage can fight savagely. A civilized man can fight savagely.
What Marlowe is attempting to do is to "prove" that they were savage fighters (they were)...... .... ..... ...... ....... So they were savages. And uncivilized (despite having towns hundreds of years before the white man landed).
They were a different culture (actually, many different cultures).
Now, since we defeated them, that proves we are superior.
Just as cancer cells will destroy other cells and "prove" they are "superior".
Being able to destroy someone else only proves that they were weaker than you. Not that you are morally superior or culturally superior or intellectually superior or anything else. Just that they were weaker than you.
A simple test of this is to go down to your local biker bar and spit on the biggest, toughest, meanest, DUMBEST biker you can find. Preferably one who has low marals and lacks cultural refinement.
Then claim that you will defeat him because of your superior moral structure or culture.
Post #31,383
3/8/02 2:44:09 PM
I guess this would explain then, how it is that
a fantasy Disneyland culture, populated by non-voting (thus non-citizen) herds of shopping sheep, possessed of sanctimonious slogans and self-Righteousness, trusting Only in The $$ [Oh.. and er "Winning"] and dedicated 24/7 to its accumulation:
can defeat the civilizations of the world. And Feel Good about Themselves, to boot. While finding God ( their Maidenform bra*).
OK - that would explain it. But not make it go away :( (You're no help! ;-)
* sorry.. that ad was a bit before everyone's time, here. ~ it was, I dreamt I went shopping in my Maidenform bra.. {sigh}
Post #31,389
3/8/02 3:30:21 PM
OT Re: Maidenform bra
Well, for what it's worth, I remember I dreamt I went shopping in my Maidenform bra. Did they also say Don't be flat, be Natural or was that someone else?
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." -- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Post #31,384
3/8/02 2:53:29 PM
Historic anonymous
God grant me the serenity to change the words I cannot accept...
I'm glad we had this discussion though... I found a useful analogy for teaching my 2 year old son. Just like an alcoholic, a nation can go into a state of denial and create a national history just like an alcoholic's personal history. Any history that is too painful or embarassing to remember, simply find a justification for drinking to shift blame because you don't want to face it. NO, WAIT! Alcoholics must make ammends by acknowledging those they have wronged...
Okay, so the analogy breaks down. :-) What do you think about [link||the other dodged question...]?
Just a few thoughts,
"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow for the new revolution, smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday..."
P. Townshend
"Nietzsche has an S in it" Celina Jones
Post #31,381
3/8/02 2:26:58 PM
LRPD: " Disputants more fiendish than the Great Hyperlobic
Omni-Cognate Neutron Wrangler of Ciceronicus Twelve, the Magic and Indefatigable!"
[Translation key] for the bemused (or those suffering terminal giggles over previous omnipotent excrescences):
A) My opinions are more than mere opinion. They are Fact-based. (I have selected only the *choicest* Relevant facts and eliminated All others.)
B) Because I know that my idea of Relevance is Correct: therefore I am Right. And I am unanimous in my Certainty.
C) I have always been Right. It is an affliction which causes me to be a pariah in any civilized environment. This can not be helped. The world Needs my Rightness; look at the shape it is in: because they Did Not Listen to Me.
D) Those who imagine that there is more than One Truth (ie those who have never viewed Rashomon) are manifestly poop-heads. By their egregious incompetence - they become fair game for my spontaneous didactic lectures, for I possess a
E) Masters Degree in Self-righteousness, with a minor in priggish, racist hyperbole. (The smarm is merely my affectation; I am so smart that I make Myself sick)
F) Read it and weep, you ignorant sluts.
Post #31,385
3/8/02 3:02:12 PM
You have made it so clear.
Classic, printed, put on my wall...
Just a few thoughts,
"I got a Starbucks in my pants"
G. Carlin
"Nietzsche has an S in it" Celina Jones