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New Re: More Ludicrous than usual
Well I was ready to get all incensed about rigid adults not letting kids play their games but there's a paragraph in there that caught my eye:

"Tommy Davis, according to the report, said he never told the children he was going to shoot or kill them, but did tell one of them, "don't fight me anymore." "

So reading between the lines a bit, it would seem that little Tommy Davis actually had a motive for scaring off the other kids -- so he deserves all the punishment he can get. It's lucky he was caught so early; it's people like him who end up shooting the football team in high school.

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New Yes, noticed that little revelation too..
Flip side though - notice the (apparently) growing mention of "bullying", in and around school - I presume surely: especially after school, when adults are all in their cubicles doing their 24/7 bizness?

This kid could have been more scared of his 'victims' than vice versa. Are we to credit (saddle?) him with that discretion we so rarely find in Pols, Authority-figures and other pre-adult older folk? And hang him accordingly, as in, "he Should have known better" -?- Hell I'll bet that Mr Enron Lay WON'T be found to be remotely responsible for the massive mischief his greed caused multitudes. Bet?

So why should this tot be saddled with a higher standard of performance than one of our Successful 'adult' Heroes ? Goose / gander.

     More Ludicrous than usual - (andread) - (13)
         Possibly the canary effect, too. - (Ashton)
         How realistic was the toy gun? - (ben_tilly) - (2)
             Judgement call - (nking) - (1)
                 You hear about the one because it causes controversy... - (ben_tilly)
         Probably more real guns than toys in most trailer parks. - (Silverlock) - (4)
             But come the F on - a *seven-year-old* kid! - (CRConrad) - (2)
                 A little of both - (drewk) - (1)
                     What he said. - (Silverlock)
             I would rather live in a trailer park than a kennel (apt) - (boxley)
         Is the day of the cap gun over? - (wharris2) - (1)
             All things considered, I'd say yes. - (Ashton)
         Re: More Ludicrous than usual - (GBert) - (1)
             Yes, noticed that little revelation too.. - (Ashton)

Did anybody else know that they kept a lake behind that big dam?
60 ms