IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New Ouch.
That looks like an upgrade to the udev files manager that perhaps included an incompatible file format. Or maybe it just forgot to read the existing file first. :-/

Well, now you can find out what package to file the bug against! :-)


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
Collapse Edited by static Aug. 9, 2009, 12:03:11 AM EDT
That looks like an upgrade to the udev files manager that perhaps included an incompatible file format. Or myabe it just forgot to read the existing file first. :-/


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
     Grrr Debian.... - (folkert) - (7)
         Maybe udev spat the dummy? - (static) - (1)
             Yup, got bit by that udev thing over a year ago . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
         /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules - (scoenye) - (4)
             Re: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules - (folkert) - (3)
                 Ouch. - (static)
                 SYSFS match key has disappeared - (scoenye) - (1)
                     Oh yes, wise one. - (folkert)

Same thing we do every night, Pinky... try to take over the WORLD!
45 ms