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New FYI, Debian Sid(unstable) just updated to...
For those of you with Intel Video cards... i8xx/i9xx. Debian Sid (unstable that is for those that don't know) just updated to:

xserver-xorg-video-intel 2.8.0-1 X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver

and along with

libdrm-intel1 2.4.12-1 Userspace interface to intel-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime

Those two things in combination with:

linux-image-2.6.30-1-686-bigmem 2.6.30-3 Linux 2.6 image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4

The "required" GEM stuff isn't capable of running with the Kernel in PAE memory mode. Means your Intel Xorg Driver goes SOFTWARE RENDERING ONLY, meaning your system just started feeling like a 386SX16 with 16MB of memory and 256K Video Card.

Beware the thing that fixed it for me was listed in bug #538283


Also, after adding the experimental/sid line from:

And installing the latest kernel the source for "Latest from /dists/trunk (targeted for experimental/sid)" being:

linux-image-2.6.31-rc4-686-bigmem 2.6.31~rc4-1~experimental.1~snapshot.14009

That now means I have the GEM setup (Graphic Engine mumble) which beginning in 2.6.31.rc4 works in PAE mode.


I also had to update the BIOS for my Laptop and the Video Card... umm DANG, Windows ONLY. Actually Windows 2000 in the Recovery Partition only could run the Flash update. SOOOO, 68 Lenovo Updates later, 97 Windows updates later, mixed in with 15 reboots for WindowsXP, totalling 1.2GB of downloads, I was finally able to boot into the recovery partition and flash my BIOS with the latest revisions for the motherboard and Video card.

I guess that is what you get for not booting/updating WindowsXP/Recovery partition since September 2007.
Collapse Edited by folkert July 27, 2009, 08:41:01 PM EDT
FYI, Debian Sid just updated to...
For those of you with Intel Video cards... i8xx/i9xx. Debian just updated to:

xserver-xorg-video-intel 2.8.0-1 X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver

and along with

libdrm-intel1 2.4.12-1 Userspace interface to intel-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime

Those two things in combination with:

linux-image-2.6.30-1-686-bigmem 2.6.30-3 Linux 2.6 image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4

The "required" GEM stuff isn't capable of running with the Kernel in PAE memory mode. Means your Intel Xorg Driver goes SOFTWARE RENDERING ONLY, meaning your system just started feeling like a 386SX16 with 16MB of memory and 256K Video Card.

Beware the thing that fixed it for me was listed in bug #538283


Also, after adding the experimental/sid line from:

And installing the latest kernel the source for "Latest from /dists/trunk (targeted for experimental/sid)" being:

linux-image-2.6.31-rc4-686-bigmem 2.6.31~rc4-1~experimental.1~snapshot.14009

That now means I have the GEM setup (Graphic Engine mumble) which beginning in 2.6.31.rc4 works in PAE mode.
Expand Edited by folkert July 27, 2009, 08:44:56 PM EDT
New I'm wondering just where Intel is taking their Xorg drivers.
I'm getting the feeling they've picked an agenda and a direction and going hell-for-leather, dragging the Linux kernel and the X.org framework in their wake.

I got rebuffed in my Ubuntu bug about the intel driver not supporting "zaphod" more anymore (this is where you load the driver twice and it gives you :0.0 and :0.1 instead of just :0.0 that spans both monitors). :-/ It seems Ubuntu doesn't think it worth passing upstream.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New Re: I'm wondering just where Intel is taking their Xorg driv
The GEM stuff should give you back your functionality when its finished shortly.

Intel is pushing it because its been languishing for YEARS. And they finally have something worth pushing for it.

Yes, it does seem like Intel is hugely buffeting Xorg and the Linux kernel in this area. But, its better than what happened in the 2.4.9-.11 fiasco when Linus dropped on version of the scheduler for another lock, stock and barrel.
New I need to revisit my assessment.
It seems that the Ubuntu maintainer thinks it better that I push upstream as I understand the issue (from a users POV) better than he. I misunderstood that. He assured me they are already aware of this missing feature. I just wish they hadn't dropped it completely before a new method was put in place.

You were referring to http://en.wikipedia....Execution_Manager ? The Wikipedia page is short on detail, but it looks like the people who know the hardware inside out (not just Intel) have decided to just fix X.org's code problems rather than wait for someone else to think up a solution.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
     FYI, Debian Sid(unstable) just updated to... - (folkert) - (3)
         I'm wondering just where Intel is taking their Xorg drivers. - (static) - (2)
             Re: I'm wondering just where Intel is taking their Xorg driv - (folkert) - (1)
                 I need to revisit my assessment. - (static)

But don't get all fretty-pants on us.
78 ms