IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New So who's coming?
Box, imric? Definite?

Can get discount hotel rooms if necessary (like 80ish) or there is floorspace. Beach for 106 but thats a ways away (15/20 minutes)

Any other takers. We're sure to have a couple of shuttle rounds to/from Orlando. Flights are cheap.

Greg? Drew? Admin? You know you wanna ;-)

Believe there to be a bus service available along the 95 corridor. Don't know the dates of that..but likely Thurs/Friday with Sun pm return. I have to check on that.
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
New Not me
Grandaughter due on the 2nd.
And I'm moving on the 10th.
New Can't...
I'd love to.

Just too far and not enough vacation time left.

~2650 miles round trip just from my house.

Fly in...
Come in on the 3rd and leave on the 5th.

RT Flight from GRR to MCO == $350, with car $416
Two nights in Melbourne at Days Inn, $44.44/night (plus taxes and fees of course)

$550 probably total. Just took a vacation to boot.

Sorry no can do. Tell Rita Happy Birthday for me though.

Also, Scott Anderson, Happy Anniversary!
New be there with 2 youngr kids
email me the address
New perhaps next year
The elder brother has just relocated from metro Seattle to Sarasota (retiring to Florida! Such a cliché!), and we'll likely descend on them after they've had a year to make the new place presentable (so's we can trash it). This might permit the long-deferred attendance at the BB.

New Wish I could
But I'm actually busy at work. And with the number of people getting let go, that's the better alternative.

New I'd love to visit again.
But that is an expense I definitely can't make this year. :-)


"Ah -- I take it the doorbell doesn't work?"
     So who's coming? - (beepster) - (6)
         Not me - (crazy)
         Can't... - (folkert)
         be there with 2 youngr kids - (boxley)
         perhaps next year - (rcareaga)
         Wish I could - (drook)
         I'd love to visit again. - (static)

It goes up to "11".
48 ms