Tell me, why when Mark Twain and every other traveler came to the region in the late 1800's they ALL described the land as desolate, backwards and void of people. Where were those millions of Palestinians that were there forever? The fact is that as the Jews started to develop the land Arabs migrated in. National Geographic in 1914 reported that Jews outnumbered Arabs in Jerusalem (what is now called Arab East Jerusalem) by a wide margin. How could that be, after all where were all those Palestinians who had lived there forever? The Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post was called in the 1930's the Palestine post, today that sounds shocking but in the 1930's Palestinian was not a term used by Arabs at all. Why makes Yasir Arafat born in Cairo Egypt a Palestinian? The fact is that there exists a Palestinian state today, Jordan. The British in 1922 divided up Palestine and gave %80+ to the Arabs.