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New Javascript support
Javascript support varies widely from browser to browser. MS (probably intentionally) didn't quite do the same thing that Netscape did. But Javascript never really had a definition other then 'do what Netscape does' and since the different versions of Netscape varied in some basic details things are all over the place.

And both implementations have significant flaws that you just have to work around.

The only thing to do is learn what works and what doesn't by trial and error and test everything in every browser that you support.

Or you can avoid doing anything to exotic. You can avoid a lot of problems by keeping each page simple and not trying to force the browser to be something it isn't.

New back-trunk driver
>> Or you can avoid doing anything to exotic. You can avoid a lot of problems by keeping each page simple and not trying to force the browser to be something it isn't. <<

That was my plan, but I don't make the final design calls. Basically they say, "Can you make it do X? I have seen something do X before."

Today they wanted a combo-box. (Understandable, but not easy to pull off.) I am almost on the virge of suggesting active-X. However, getting such widgets to talk to JavaScript without crashing is probably a bear.
New No problem
Today they wanted a combo-box. (Understandable, but not easy to pull off.)...

Not easy? Heck, I could whip one together in a couple of minutes. (Of course I would just use an existing component such as the one here [link|http://www.domapi.com/examples/index.cfm?s1=combobox.htm|[link|http://www.domapi.com/examples/index.cfm?s1=combobox.htm|http://www.domapi.c...combobox.htm]])
John Urberg
New Ooh, purty
I can't be a Democrat because I like to spend the money I make.
I can't be a Republican because I like to spend the money I make on drugs and whores.
New figures
"The Combobox component is currently in beta. No documentation has been finalized yet."

Sounds like it will fit right in with JavaScript's style.

Thanks for the link, though.
Expand Edited by tablizer March 6, 2002, 08:57:02 PM EST
New Re: figures
You can also try [link|http://www.deadbeef.com/dhtml/combobox.htm|[link|http://www.deadbeef.com/dhtml/combobox.htm|http://www.deadbeef...combobox.htm]] if your interested in an IE only combo box.
     Is it just me, or is IE JavaScript whacked? - (tablizer) - (10)
         Re: Is it just me, or is IE JavaScript whacked? - (wharris2) - (2)
             Expectations - (tablizer) - (1)
                 Frames - (wharris2)
         Javascript support - (JayMehaffey) - (5)
             back-trunk driver - (tablizer) - (4)
                 No problem - (johnu) - (3)
                     Ooh, purty -NT - (drewk)
                     figures - (tablizer) - (1)
                         Re: figures - (johnu)
         You think it's whacked in IE? - (static)

In space no one can hear you babble.
51 ms