Isn't what we really have a Republic and not a Democracy? We are represented by those critters that get elected to office. Some of them are just appointed without even bothering to ask the citizens about it, like judges. best we can do is try to impeace them when they get caught breaking rules or with their hand in the cookie jar or an Intern's blue dress?
Anyway democratic plutocracy, what does Mickey Mouse's dog Pluto have to do with it? Gives new meaning to the words "Mickey Mouse Laws"? ;) That means a government run by the wealthy, does it not?
Taxation without representation is not good, with representaion it is not so great either. But we all have to pay taxes and only the dirt-poor get them back. Only the wealthy can hide their wealth and use loopholes to avoid paying taxes because only they can afford to hire accountants and lawyers to hide great amounts of wealth. But if it is a true plutocracy, then the rich run the government and give themselves the loopholes to get out of paying the taxes?
So how are we going to reform it?