wxPython is pretty powerful.
I'm messing around with it, and climbing the very gradual learning curve. It's very powerful, but it's got its foibles.
The mailing list is very helpful, with lots of participation by Robin Dunn - the wxPython head honcho.
There are some gui builders, even a couple of commercial ones, but lots and lots of free tools as well.
It's cross-platform, with some quirks on each of them that can usually be worked around.
The best version to use right at the moment is the latest for the Python 2.5 series.
Be sure to check out Andrea's examples -
http://xoomer.virgil...ain/freeware.html He has created a tool for easily making stand-alone apps from the interpreted Python code -
Have fun no matter what you pick!
(Who should mention that if you want to program in C++, then wxWidgets is probably the way to go -
http://www.wxwidgets.org )