Said to have the most accurate rangefinder/auto-focus complex ever, when introduced.
It was that one -- which was my experience of the CIEIOs of Canon. Already told that story; will henceforth remain biased that.. the Suits at Canon are/were? a Different breed. Fine camera re the rest of the specs, subsequently Googled.
Can't fault your pickiness though re the Nikon -- {sheesh} if you can't even readily read Red.. Rediculous!
Cameras though ... heroin for any techno afflicted. Few have actual Reasons (as with Red) -- marketing feeds the, Got to 'Have' Every Accessory alligator.
(Whether or not I'll ever Use that 1000 mm Maksutov catadioptric mirror reflex more than thrice/decade)
So many cameras.. so few Adamses, Steichens and ... only One WIlliam Frieze-Green at the beginning.
Stay chilly.