Am considering selling my house in Florida and relocating to a trailer Park in Largo Fl close to Tampa where I am working. The Park I looked at was clean, community pool, tennis court basketball court lots of kids a fine place.
No here is a racist little secret, most black americans dont feel comfortable in Trailers, they have told me that they feel more secure in an Apt building or a real house, so racial tension black/white usually doesnt occur as it would in a mixed environment, so the violence although there is not prevalent as in a mixed group high population density area. Also is the fact that you "know" your neighbors as they are in plain sight, not fenced, alcoved etc. This allows you to quickly weed out the crap if you know your park management. Aggressive Park management is also needed and a community council of trailer owners. I have lived in some sleazy trailer parks and felt a lot safer than the upscale apt. buildings.