as others have suggested too - is to begin to notice the many positive choices that exist. You do not credit these because you habitually see the negative. It doesn't matter that you also have a certain amount of company in such an attitude - you can't see that it IS no more nor less than a built-in attitude towards life.
We 'negative types' know very well what "a natural proclivity" is like. Only difference between 'us' and you is: many of us eventually realize that our instinctive view is neither The Correct View, nor even a very useful one.
You think, when someone says, it's all in your head - that either this is some simplistic slogan OR: you don't see how you can "get it out of your head". Right?
You can't! But that's not the point. The point is for you to give this automatic robotic response its due credit. Begin to disbelieve it. (And it IS.. just "an IT", a little voice running around in that head as if it Knew Something).
Hey.. I'm not a shrink and I can't make it all well, with some clever new set of words or a magic wand. What I know fershure is: as long as you believe that life is a bucket of shit,
Guess What? (You get to 'Be Right' - One More Time)
And that is ALL you will ever get, too..