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New Ground troops
Ground troops? Only as a stopgap, I presume. We ran out of daisy cutters and stuff, so let's build more pronto. High tech is what works.

I say, you can bomb all you want. If you want to control the ground you have to sent in troops at some point. And that means causulties among the soldiers.


New Thought I heard a newscast a few weeks ago
Saying that we were using up our stockpile of cruise missles and that it would take months to rebuild to our pre-9/11 level. Didn't hear anything about our stockpile of smart or dumb bombs.
"Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, kafka?"
     Missed a couple spots. - (marlowe) - (2)
         Ground troops - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
             Thought I heard a newscast a few weeks ago - (bconnors)

That's RattenSTEEN.
31 ms