Post #304,926
3/2/09 8:55:34 AM

Tried installing Ubuntu server this weekend
Key word is TRIED.
Downloaded 8.10 64bit Server. Burned CD. Tried install. Plugged thru. strange errors, dropped to shell. I quit.
Downloaded 8.04 64bit server image. Burned CD. This one bails during the Basic Installation. Right after installing (or attempting to install) LIBAC11. Says see var/log/syslog for details or virtual console #4.
WTH is virtual console 4?
and syslog is empty.
Server is ??? Tyan S2882D motherboard, AMI BIOS. Adaptec 7902 (?) SCSI controller built it. 79gb Hitachi U320 and 2 146gb HP drives. Drives are failing Domain Validation during boot and "dropping down". Using onboard video and on board ethernet. IDE CD.
What did I do wrong, and/or what should I do? I've already redownloaded the images from a different server, "just in case". Same error, same place.
Post #304,934
3/2/09 9:37:03 AM

Re: Tried installing Ubuntu server this weekend
Virtual Console #4 is:
That is the standard diagnostic error console.
Try the 32-Bit server install, especially if you don't really have a reason to exploit 64-bit heavily.
If it has 4GB of memory, it'll recognize it.
Post #304,937
3/2/09 9:50:29 AM

Re: Tried installing Ubuntu server this weekend
Ok, will burn the 32 bit image tonight.
Thanks for showing me how to find the console.
Server does have 4gb.
Dual AMD Opteron.
Post #304,942
3/2/09 11:09:43 AM

Re: Tried installing Ubuntu server this weekend
Do you know exactly what model Opterons?
Also, some of the newer BIOS for that board appear to have fixes for some picky stuff.
Dunno if it'll help.
Post #304,950
3/2/09 12:57:26 PM

Re: Tried installing Ubuntu server this weekend
Not sure. I'll have to check tonight.
Would it make sense to update the BIOS first? I know the AMI BIOS is dated 2006 and the Adaptec SCSI BIOS is 2003.
Thanks for the help
Post #305,510
3/14/09 6:01:23 PM

Don't have everything configured yet, but it's finally running. Either I had a bad SCSI cable or the Adaptec 7902 built in driver was bad. Added an SCSI controller and a new SCSI cable. Everything finally loaded. No more buffer overflows, or other errors.
Now to configure SAMBA so the Windows workstations can access it.
Post #305,512
3/14/09 6:19:20 PM

Post #305,517
3/14/09 8:16:13 PM

This SATA stuff is great... now if only the Drive Manufactiuurers would offer the "Enterprise" grade stuff they do with the same drive enclosures and mechanicals in SCSI.
Same Physical Drives just not "ceritifed" for enterprise use.
Post #305,569
3/15/09 9:52:00 PM

With my account I can log into the new server from all workstations.
My wife's account cannot log in from any workstation.
Means I have something set up wrong (duh)
But what? I've created her account. Added her to samba (smbpasswd -a patty)
Now what? What did I miss.
Happens both on XP and (shudder) Vista
Post #305,601
3/16/09 7:20:06 AM

Re: Question
from the machine run this:
groups yourusername
groups herusername
Fix her up to be in the same groups ( useradd herusername groupname ) except for the admin (I think its "admin") group
and... can she login to the machine on the X login? Or how about "ssh" (using putty from any machine)
If not able to, she ain't a real user.
Post #305,604
3/16/09 8:39:50 AM

At work now
I can log on to the server, from the console, using her ID/password.
I'll check the groups when I get home as see if that makes a difference.
Post #305,642
3/16/09 8:49:35 PM

No dice
she has the same groups as I do. I'm using the same smb.conf from the old server. I can log her in from a workstation to TIMMY (old server) but not to JAYHAWK.
I can switch (KVM) to either server and log in to both TIMMY and JAYHAWK using her id/password.
But from Windows, I can log in as myself to either server. I can log in as her only to TIMMY.
I don't see what I'm missing
Post #305,643
3/16/09 9:05:22 PM

I've seen mentions of SMB problems with 8.10.
I don't know if that's what's biting you, but have a look at this thread:
Look for stentor007 - dunno if it's valid or not.
Also, take a look at this LinuxPlanet tutorial. Maybe it'll help:
Good luck!
Post #305,648
3/16/09 9:55:45 PM

Running 8.04
Gotta be something simple that I'm overlooking.
Saw a mention about smbusers file. Created it. Nothing.
Gave everyone the same groups. Nothing.
I can access both servers from both workstations using my id.
I can access TIMMY (old) from both workstations with wife's id.
I cannot access JAYHAWK from either workstation with wife's id.
Post #305,653
3/16/09 10:42:25 PM

If you've checked everything, check everything else.
I recall having a messed up HOSTS file that didn't work right. Turns out, I had a comma replacing a period.... Perhaps you've got a simple typo somewhere?
Good luck!
Post #305,650
3/16/09 10:35:11 PM

OK, got wife working...
Shutdown Timmy and now she can access Jayhawk.
Post #305,657
3/16/09 11:25:14 PM

Master Browser wars...
and Jayhawk was ignoring Timmy and over riding the advertising.
Best guess I have.