Post #304,400
2/20/09 4:52:07 AM
Ah.. I see who he is
He's the guy Human Events would pick for their cartoonist.. except that to 'have cartoons' in Far-fRightful publications doesn't compute. To 'have a sense of humor' is to empathize with the creatures in a predicament. Zealots are on a mission; nothing is 'funny' to the Certain. This stuff is like the ink-blots of the acutely disturbed. And this guy can draw those vicious ink-blots, though not very well.
He's about as funny as someone passing by a collision, cracking-wise at the VW-bug driver aflame and thrashibg about ... trapped under a burning Hum-Vee.
Yuk Yuk - but with the 'c'
Reminded me -immediately- of the Nazi cartoons depicting jews as vermin; exact same drawing style, too.
(As to the election-type grotesquerie -- he must have missed the cheering in '04: in the same camp.)
Post #304,407
2/20/09 8:00:38 AM
and you are the guy in "Huck Finn" bleating
"wait a minute guys, dont do that, its only shakespeare!"
If Jesus was executed in todays world would you be running around with a little electric chair hanging around your neck?
Have you ever dared to laugh at floats in the gay pride parade or would that seem irreligious you?
Humor can/does have a dark side that is not limited to yer granma and oliver cromwell didnt have a sense of humor either, the bald headed fuck
Like nother, if you dont like sharp humor, thats fine dont laugh
Post #304,432
2/21/09 12:08:28 AM
I love dark, sharp humor
That ain't it, that's just being nasty.
I like humor that is obnoxious. But it has to be funny, obnoxious isn't enough. I'll laugh at a good fart joke, but not at somebody who just makes fart noises. The comics in question are the visual equivalent of somebody making fart noises.
I think I might just start wearing the little electric chair even though it didn't quite go down that way. That's dark humor. And it's even funnier because it's historically wrong.
Post #304,532
2/22/09 10:14:18 PM
well, wearing a syringe would prolly get you busted
and 3 thousand pictures of george chimp bush is funny and one of congress is racist?
Post #304,544
2/23/09 2:47:16 AM
Two things
1) W actually does look kind of like a chimp.
2) black person <=> chimp is a classic bit from the golden age of racism.
Post #304,552
2/23/09 9:11:49 AM
on 2 obama didnt write the stimulus, white legislature did
you look for racist stuff you generally find it.
Post #304,586
2/23/09 11:26:39 PM
you know that & I know that
but the cartoonist's intended audience doesn't get the idea that Obama isn't the entire United States government except when they sit down and think about it, which is rare.
A substantial part of this guy's ouvre depends on using a boneless leg-flip to signal "gay". Compared to that, the distinction between legislative and administrative functions, particularly when the administrative is rockstar and the legislative has been hiding under a rock, is a bit sophisticated. If the cartoonist mean the chimp to represent Congress, it's like explaining relativity using choo-choo metaphors because the word "train" is too big.
Post #304,588
2/24/09 5:26:18 AM
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
-- H.L. Mencken
Post #304,417
2/20/09 12:16:46 PM
I like your analysis...
...but I thought his stuff was just puerile shit.