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New The video adventure continues
Chores ahead, setup to do.

Friday during lunch:

I bought 4 pairs of KLH speakers, medicocre for audiophiles,
but perfect for my usage. I need 5 speakers for the
bedroom/theatre, 3 more for for my regular living room
stereo/tv setup.
$30 per pair.

I picked up about 25 yards of black and navy blue fabric.
All they had. $30 total.

And a staple gun.

I had already blacked my back wall (right behind my bed,
I lean against it, lots of big pillows), but now I'm
on a mission.

The room will be DARK, with no reflected TV light.


10AM, I start stapling.
1PM, I'm done.

Not really, I ran out of fabric. But I got most of it,
and I have a plan.

When getting the fabric, I wandered all the other stuff
(patterns, fuzzy stuff, etc) and picked up about a dozen
2 or 3 yard swatches of fabric. Stars, planets, patterns,
iguanas folliage, colorful fish in water, swirly people
dancing in starbursts, smily faces on a dark background,
dragons dancing in blue fire, tinkerbell, simpsons, etc.

This stuff is much better visually than posters, cheaper,
and I can rip it down and replace in a blink, and
reuse somewhere else.

Ok, so I have about 10 yards of walls still white, but it'll
be fixed soon enough.

Now it gets harder.

I have to put up the speakers. Wander for tools, grab the
brackets, the wire (crap wire, I need to replace, damn,
also need banana plugs). Ok, plan to use current wire,
hang eveything, run the wire, but don't connect until
we go out for the plugs.

I can't use a drill (at least not easily), it gets caught
on the fabric. I end up hammering increasing sized metal
punches into the walls and ceiling, to put the anchors in.

Working on a bed that has ZERO bounce, or crap step stool.
Lots of overhead reaching.

3 hours later, 4 speakers are up.
2 slightly behind me, about 7 and 11 feet away.
2 on the sides of me, 4 feet ahead, about 9 and 14 feet away,
hanging from the ceiling.

Brackets allow single direction swivel.

The positioning is such that I want it to focus best to
my side of the bed, but the distance limitations (where
I want stuff on the walls and ceiling) give me limited
space. So the speakers on my right are a bit closer.

Which is fine.

But I've heard nothing, since I haven't plugged in yet.

4PM, go out, get stuff. Circuit city, Walmart, Best Buy,
eat, run home. Getting late.

Home at 8:15, goal of watching movie at 9.

9:15PM, 1st cut wiring done (will redo), bad connection
trouble shooting done, bananaplugs engaged.

9:30PM: Fuck! Left surround speaker out.
A bit later, all better (wiring issue).

I tell it what speakers I have plugged in, what range of
frequencies they want (if not all), and their approximate
distance from me. I don't think I needed the distance, but
I was being thorough.

I plug in the setting microphone.

I answer a "Continue?" question, and it then issues a series
of tones from each speaker several times, measures what it
wants, and applies the results.

Walla! (Voila!) Perfect placement. Sure, the sound is
damn good 3 feet from either side, but when you sit
in the correct location, it is like you settle into an
aural cockpit. Hehe.

7 speakers plus sub-woofer. 2 front are REALLY good
Optimus (Radio Shack) (really) (really, not an oxymoron,
I did my research) (really, you'll just have to believe
me, Radio Shack can actually make some incredible speakers.
Ok, I'm done defending my speakers.
I think.

I hook up the bluray, I wander the menu items on the stereo
for the HDMI mapping (I had just moved some components
around and need to remap ins/outs).

I put in "The 5th Element". SWWO has seen it, a long time
ago. She remembers very little, ie: She knows the hero
is a chick, but that's pretty much it.

The evil being rumbles.

"SWWO, ready, let's watch!"

10 min later (I'm never ready), the movie starts. In
a black room. I cover the lights on the stereo and tv with
black tape.

Remembers all that fabric? Acoustically deading, reduces echo
to almost nothing, at least that I can tell. The room
is VERY quiet.

HOLY SHIT!?!?! What the hell was that?
Oh, that's right, a fucking evil bit of the evil being
just flew around me.

Ok, we've arrived.

Settle in to the tempurpedic mattress, lean high on the
pillows, and hold SWWO's hand.

2 hours later, the adventure ends.

I plug in an FM antenna (work in progess not sure of the
satelite reciever to get (if any, suggestions welcome)),
use the remote to bounce to radio, set all speakers on,
and relax for a bit.

The perfect ending for the perfect day.

Wake up at 7AM, smoke, drink coffee, review options.

Walmart for fabric. A bit of work. Some chores.

Review movie list. All picked up on sale, cheap,
mostly $10-$20 for bluray, never more than $5 for a
DVD, in the last few days. Well most of them.
I did crack on the Matrix.

5th Element
Blazing Saddles (2 of them, in 10 minutes, silly). Meant to get Surf's Up.
March of the Penguins
Matrix - Ultimate Matrix Collection (be still my beating heart)
SkyCaptain and the World of Tomorrow - fast fast action flick
Sunshine (from director of 28 days later)
Terminator 2
Total Recall
X-Men, Last stand

Big Trouble in Little China
Die Hard 2
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Silence of the Lambs
Superman retuns (Lex Luther)
There's something about Mary
The Rundown

Ok, done for the moment, the last day of a glorious weekend
is in motion.
New Somaliland War Widow Organization?
She Who Wandered Over?

(Don't give TMI; just curious.)

Sounds like a great movie room. Thanks.

New She Who Will
New so why you wasting time watching movies?
New We've been together since Friday at 5
I had the best valentine's day of my life yesterday.

Time was not wasted, time was enjoyed.

And part of that enjoyment can be a couple movies.

Let's face it, even I need a break every few hours.

But we typically only watch 1/2 a movie at a time, we like an intermission.
New Just watched
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Watch with someone you love.
Serious tear jerker in that one, but not a chick flick, at least not to me.

Then we did Serenity. Woohoo!
New Speaking of Eternal Sunshine
Truth mirrors fiction


LONDON, Feb 15 (Reuters) - A widely available blood pressure pill could one day help people erase bad memories, perhaps treating some anxiety disorders and phobias, according to a Dutch study published on Sunday.
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
New It's bullshit
There are actually studies going on with a different drug focused on interrupting the memory cell refresh cycle. Human brain memory cells need a continuous stream of a certain chemical, and without it you forget stuff.

So it is a matter of finding the core memories and getting rid of them, and hoping your mind will work around the incidental stuff without driving you insane.

But this pill suppresses startle reflex. Has nothing to do with a specific fear or memory, it's been used for years by performers for stage fright, and business executives leading meetings.
New thought you moved to a kennel?
is the soundproofing that good that the neighbord dont bang on floor and wall?
New My downstairs neighbors love me.
2 single guys, father son, both divorced.
Buddies over every night, serious football noise.
I don't mind.
We've had the discussion where I'm ok with his noise, he's ok with mine, go enjoy.

The wall has a buffer zone of a deep closet and the bathroom. No problem there.
New way cool, my last kennel was narsty for neighbor noise
New I can't handle any neighbor noise at all.
The last apt. we had, the guy upstairs would get up at 5-6am, tromp around the floor, take Power Hose[tm] bathroom breaks, and crank ABBA's Dancing Queen... and sing along at the top of his lungs.

This is when our oldest son was a newborn. There's nothing like waking up to a screaming baby who was woken up by screaming ABBA.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New As long as I'm on top I'm ok
Hate people walking on my head.
     The video adventure continues - (crazy) - (12)
         Somaliland War Widow Organization? - (Another Scott) - (6)
             She Who Will - (crazy) - (2)
                 so why you wasting time watching movies? -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                     We've been together since Friday at 5 - (crazy)
             Just watched - (crazy) - (2)
                 Speaking of Eternal Sunshine - (beepster) - (1)
                     It's bullshit - (crazy)
         thought you moved to a kennel? - (boxley) - (4)
             My downstairs neighbors love me. - (crazy) - (3)
                 way cool, my last kennel was narsty for neighbor noise -NT - (boxley)
                 I can't handle any neighbor noise at all. - (malraux) - (1)
                     As long as I'm on top I'm ok - (crazy)

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