Post #303,224
1/29/09 4:37:14 AM
1/29/09 5:38:33 AM
Nice sleuthing, once again -
and look small enough for dial-up, even == mañana. Thanks.
Under: research opportunity --
Have a copy of what seems to be closest to SpinRite for Mac, to try out: Drive Genius.
Although it doesn't appear to have Gibson's statistical data recapture nor mention anything about refreshing base-format {two biggies, IMO} -- seems to have utils for handy partitioning, defrag and related
[!! - journalled sys != auto-defrag, forever?? Pshaw.]
Knew I'd have to scope some theoretical stuff, but so soon? ... Arggghhh.
SpinR still needs to load its multi-tasking OS via DOS boot == bummer, still.
So if I wanted a test of magn. domains, cylinder/head centering and the like, as any standard obsessive would: I'd have to wipe drive, Â format elsewhere in FAT-32 (more sophisiticated models in Spin6) -- then wipe, etc. etc.
OK.. but not This year. iMac HD access needs disassembly; not for the fumble-fingered. I ain't that. Practical answer: given cheapness of drives, now -- sure ain't cost-effective any more :-/
(Correlation != causality; still, have SpinRited every HD since Spin1; not had a drive failure, though nothing here runs 24/7 either. Can I break the habit/charm with shiny-new iMac? Doubt it.)
Fun.. so far :-) Kinda like calibrating a scope. Ah well, wanted to look inside anyway. (Turns out the seller is an EE/CompE -- small world.)
Anti-static.. Anti-static.. Anti-static..
 Wrong! - need only schlep the HD into a Doze box; no need to wipe/reload.
Edited by Ashton
Jan. 29, 2009, 05:38:33 AM EST
Post #303,229
1/29/09 6:43:43 AM
You are applying broken ideals to...
The filesystem does *DO* it anywhere close to what Windows does.
If want to fsck up you MAC with something that doesn't run ON OSX... be my guest and go somewhere else when it horks your system up.
No, really and truly. OSX and its native filesystem does not work like Windows filesystems *EVER*. NTFS touted as never needing de-fragmentation obviously wasn't immune. FAT* of course was horrendous.
OSX uses a vs well designed and thought out Alog for its filesystem. Its opportunistic. Its conservative. It doesn't fill the first hole found unless its a good fit. The ONLY time you see/get degradation is when you are nearly 100% full. And I mean nearly 100% full... as in 99.99% full, then its searching for all those holes. Then and only then does the fragmentation matter.
One thing you need to get is a external Hard Drive for USB connection to use as a "Time Machine" drive. It will get everything. Yes everything. Related to you and other users on the machine.
If the internal disk crashes... get replacement drive, reinstall the OS (with disk provided by Apple), reboot, install the updates (reboot if needed) and plug in the time machine drive, wait a few minutes... voila back in business.
Stop worrying about Windows problems. OSX DOES NOT HAVE THEM.
And the "partitioning" you speak of... what is this in OSX terms?
And once again I say this (for general acceptance):
If you want to get things done, use OSX.
If you want to tinker with things (and possibly get things done), use Linux.
If you want to be afraid, use Windows.
I don't say them lightly. I don't say them in a glib manner. I'm dead serious.
Just USE THE MAC. Its a self keeping machine and does it very well. Stop forcing "billyware" paradigms on it.
Post #303,230
1/29/09 7:16:41 AM
Sometimes one does need those tools.
Yeah, defragmenting is probably something that doesn't need to be worried about.
But as we know, drives on Macs do go bad. Drive Genius and is one of the few tools available that will work reasonably well with Mac volumes to recover files from a disk that is dying. An older article of some more of them is here: http://www.peachpit....cle.aspx?p=693649 Having an external backup is a good idea, but that's not failure-proof either.
Having a tool that monitors SMART messages from hard drives is probably a good idea, as it can give advance indications that a drive is dying. I haven't looked for one of those yet, myself. is one. There are some messages out there that indicate there may be something free in the POSIX tools that's part of OS X - I haven't looked carefully.
And having a system monitor tool is very handy in some circumstances. E.g. Our old G4 Titanium Powerbook was throwing up the spinning beach ball quite often while browsing, for unknown reasons. iStat Pro made it clear that it was happening because it was running out of RAM and hitting the swap file too heavily. Since it only can take 1 GB of RAM, other than changing browsing habits, it was something that had to be accepted. But without iStat Pro, it wasn't possible to easily know what was going on.
Yeah, futzing around with utilities can be counter-productive, but it's nice to know what exactly is happening and what can be done when things are going wrong.
Ashton - a good resource that you should browse occasionally is Ric Ford's "Macintouch". Lots of user tips, pointers to cheap deals, notes about software updates and issues, etc. It's a great resource.
My $0.02. :-)
Post #303,279
1/29/09 10:12:32 PM
Appreciations extended; here's one on Rixtools
SMART (the occasional look-in) was on my long list, too. Thanks. Gotta love AI when it works. Got my SATA/IDE -->USB-2 dongle for ripping HDs, complete with tiny PS. Probably use a spare 2.5" in a firewire'd box for Time Machine
I figure I might as well use what (little) i Know fershure and much of hearsay, at the outset -- before there's any data to protect much. So, why not go to the Root before the easy-practical, eh?
Will explore macintouch, a couple others. Seller suggested and there are a couple more; need to fit site to my 'level'. EX: Rick, of DOS Rixtools fame (samples of his tiny utils I've commented on, way-back) went all Apple-obsessed a couple years back; his brain still works:
Rick has a suite of tools for OSX (wonder if done in assembly !?) at == these are for toilers in the programming salt-mines, mainly it seems -- but I haven't scoped enough to see, in this pricey suite: what/any I'd use or 'need'. Others here would evaluate differently. Rick appears to be pretty Ept.
Now I need to find STOP (loading)in Safari; then start with the migration, get Moz stuff installed ... poco á poco. No hurries. Savor the discoveries, I say. They only happen once.
Love the GUI sudo-in-a-box, but need a shorter PW {sigh} secure OR quick.. OSX-follows-liff. Went to copy a DVD.. talk aboutcher minimalism !!
0-'setup'. It just copies, puts image on desktop, burns, verifies and ... plays well in a Toshiba. Batting 1000.
Handy too, having a sorta Mac-pro a couple hundred feet away; saves asking most of the sillier questions here. Day3 and it hasn't pissed me off yet! How NICE just to leave it sleeping - and Know the OS shall not self destruct.
(Most failures in 'lectronics happen at turn-on/turn-off. Werd which you Know too.)
Post #303,281
1/29/09 10:44:12 PM
Notice you are ignoring everyone else...
that say to just enjoy the machine and use Time-Machine and forget about worrying.
Post #303,285
1/29/09 11:18:44 PM
Not at all
I responded to your fine summary. Not 'worried'. Simply, I'd prefer to plan for the unexpected (then.. follow advice, implicitly: fergeddaboudit.) Comments on the er, efficacy of Time machine (below) -- make that gnarliest of Problems just disappear! Still, takes a while to have That-much new-faith, y'know?
After a few careers involving electrons and moving-things -- I just naturally anticipate gremlins aka MTBF, to keep it simple. I won't be 'testing things' to absurdity; already the sheer elegance of the integration of tasks + truly informative response boxes: confirm the competence that came inside the pretty box.
So, aside from the 3-rule (original, nearby copy + one-more of the rilly Important data elsewhere, say) -- I'm on the path --> Beret'd Believerdom.
(Hell, I turned neighbor onto the total-escape from Beastware.)
Now she has 3 (why 2 nbs + iMac -?- dunno, maybe to get dual core.) But she'll never run ||s or that other Beast-option. Likely: nor I. Can still play with *nix installs on other boxes, best place to practice any involved CL-exercises, I wot.
why didn't I sell some dope or nuke secrets and get one of these {sob} Before!? Then get one just as Murica punts / the whole world notes the ineffectivenes of Econ theorists, etc ?? But it's too much fun already.. to imagine any buyer's remorse. Got my 100-pack of Top Ramen, so Bring It On.
Post #303,250
1/29/09 1:42:38 PM
Instead of fussing about SpinRite or similar...
...cough up for an external disk and back up with Time Machine.
Post #303,262
1/29/09 4:58:32 PM
Hard disk went south in my MacBook Pro a couple months ago. After Apple installed new drive under applecare, I plugged in my time machine drive, booted the machine with the Leopard disk in, and chose "restore from time machine backup". 20 minutes later it was as if nothing had ever happened.
Time Machine is wonderful.
Post #303,282
1/29/09 10:45:35 PM
Awe inspiring..
'cause youse guys wouldn't make this up | Wouldja?? --
Jeez -- who hasn't dreamed about such a thing actually Working glitch-free !?!
Sounds about as seamless as, when FFox has its periodic msvcrt.dll crash in 9x: restore on next launch gets it back to, even -- an open Comments box With the text! But ever-so-much more.
So, apparently the T.Machine ap pretty-much grabs All files created by anyone, drops same in right nooks, atop a clean install with all configs incl. aps! ... et, Viola!
Hard to believe, when one contemplates the 'burn complete HD image' drill.. say every week? of the prudently paranoid Doze user. (And then - some file might have been Open, uncopied, yada.) I mean.. I've looked into the various alleged nostrums the Ex Pee folk try: hideous. So I guess I'm
Free! ... Free at Last!
Bet most Doze users WON'T believe this really happens.
Me? d'overai ni proverai. Maybe rilly Important stuff --> DVD-as-floppy, too.
Insurance: tis a whole Industry.
BTW - is that aux HD spinning all the time? or managed by Mothership to spin-down too
(when Mother is asleep, say -- or in other lengthy intervals when nothing is being 'saved-to-disk? Guess I need to read the whole TM poop.)
Post #303,283
1/29/09 10:48:27 PM
My drive if connected and case turned on...
The HD shuts off after 5 minutes of inactivity.
Time machine runs every hour if you leave the drive plugged in... and spins it up every hour if anything was done or worked on.
Post #303,284
1/29/09 11:07:03 PM
Default TM preferences:
Time Machine keeps:
* Hourly backups for the past 24 hours
* Daily backups for the past month
* Weekly backups until your backup disk is full
Yes, it really is as easy as buying a second disk and turning on Time Machine, Virginia.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania