My Ex-Pee Pro {ain't THAT a giggle !? 'Pro' -- yeah, like an Economist is called a 'Pro' !!} -equipped hP nb remains a backup, a rarely used box -- and when needed, it will do netstuff via Puppy or X or whatever distro-du-jour completely emasculates any effects of the effete Beastware residing, safely contained only on its little HD -- not free to gang-rape any memory chips.
(Point du jour: I Need it to fscking USE the bloody USB port! not gum it to death. No bug-fix 'Pack 3' on it, no sirree. In case I ever again do boot it into the sucker.)
As iMac is seen to be enroute to these parts for delivery on the morrow, I envision soon making available this fine Intel nb to those still in thralldom to Billy's Revenge upon stable civilizations everywhere. (Seems it's as crappy down under as up over -- equal opportunity kluge. Sorry; thought maybe the backwards coreolis force might ameliorate sloppy coding..? Oh Well.)
I want a nb, next -- that responds to my requests as an Obama might (HAL was too depressed) -- obeys like a medieval Serf had-to: with all due diligence and competence at acceding to My Will. aka Make It So .
OK maybe next century ... unless it's stone knives & bearskins again.