Ah.. this sounds more universal than the FFox Foxmarks plug-in (which I have installed, but not yet used.)
Any idea of the size of your bookmark file(s?), thereon stored.
Does Google specify a limit OR: say how many different (-named) files can be toggled among?
My problem is a couple older files which are just-at the limit where merely loading bookmarks will crash Seamonkey, not load on FFox when I direct via about:config --> locale of one of these Seamonkey-generated files.
My search for a proper editing solution of the big files failed; they're all "HTML" maybe.. BUT - believe there are embedded things which make any universal-editing results unuseable. Truncating a test file == fails to load. Maybe the Google filtering of some sort can accomplish the feat; if there are control characters involved, they must be aware of the format. [WAG]
(I used these earlier 'bookmarks' merely as a dbase of eBay, other transactions; not intended usage, I know -- but worked fine til near-3MB reached.) Hand editing is not a sane option. I don't know yet: the limit on FFox bookmark size, nor if Apple (same as generic *nix release?) FFox will be a 2.x or 3.x base. PITA
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