Saw it last night.. reminiscent of the style of
the lately (and sorely-) missed likes of Jacob Bronowski, clearly the Title's inspiration.
I expect we'll see an exponential flood of 'insiders' tales of this entire Greed+Dumbth Black Tulip craze, over the next years. Already though, what is most consistent in the stories crafted [Big Surpise] -- (Most-) all Suits appear to operation 98% as herd animals, 'other-directed' but instinctively also willing to turn OFF all incoming WARNING!!s ... where these conflict with: making This Week's killing. Teh.. next week's, until tackled near the end-zone.
(Was it Abe? who first commented upon the inability of a person to grasp an idea, particularly of the sort which might alter his employment.)
Now though: when we are talking about root!-reexaminations which force changes to all financial models -- as would redefine Vulture Capitalism (in hopes it Can be preserved -?- in some form) ... talk about a field of Straw-men to be slain, larger than the Texas wastelands or Nevada.
Loved the deja-vu back to EnRon and their gated compound home-fortresses. The aim to 'own' one of those garish monstrosities surely burns in the wallet of every A+ MBA-type, girding loins for out-Doing Skilling, Lay and the "we are always Honest about the way we do business" boys. Lovely skit on the turn-off of operating power plants during the Rape of CA by legions of these wet-behind-ears perps.
Standing-by for a Season of Tera-whine-bytes for 'conserving' the ongoing flow of all significant wealth --> to those already hip deep in Franklins
(and maybe some mouldering old stacks of bills with Salmon P. Chase / aka Scrooge / staring back at the plunderer?) Imagine cashing one of those, today..