Your filters are not the universe's fault.
Well....... I guess that would depend upon how you view "the universe", wouldn't it?

Is it the fault of the rock that you cannot see the diamonds within?

You see, the human body has certain limitations. Trying to assign blame for these limitations is... well..... ummmmm...... How about.....

Fucking STUPID?!?

You think it is "the universe's" fault that you cannot perceive xrays?

Just because you happen to be hopelessly mired in subjectivism doesn't mean there's no Truth.
You're right. It doesn't. Or did you manage to miss my earlier explaation?

Reality is filtered through our senses and beliefs to yield our opinions.

Now, you're making the SAME MISTAKE that Drew did. Can't you even follow a simple process.

My >OPINION< is that there is no "Truth". Look at the statement two lines up. How can my >OPINION< influence anything above it? So, >NO<, just because >I< say there is no "Truth" does not mean there is no "Truth".

Because there is no "Truth" is what means there is no "Truth".

Just because >I< do not believe in the tooth fairey's house does not mean it doesn't exist. I would not exist even if I >DID< believe in it. Just as "The Truth" does NOT exist even though >YOU< would like to believe in it.

The universe is not bounded by the limitations of your intellect.
Well >DUH<. Or have you managed to skip or not comprehend the part where I pointed out that human senses are not capable of perceiving everything in the universe? Did you miss my example of xrays to Drew?

Ah.... or are you now going to go for the classic error of saying that because I don't know everything, that your fantasy is not a fantasy? Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Your fantasy is still a fantasy, whether I know everything or not.

There's plenty of Truth. You're just too stupid to see it.
Ah, sensai, perhaps you can then answer the question that you have been unable to answer before. What is "The Truth" about people?

You see, you can make any claim you want, but if you can't cough up something THAT WORKS (now, where did I see that claim before) then all you're doing is spewing your fantasies. Make whatever claim you want. Tell me what colour the tooth fairey's house is. Tell me how many rooms it has. But try to provide me with an address or I'm going to, correctly, call you an idiot.

It's a simple question. You claim there is "Truth". Tell me what the "Truth" about people is.

You're trying to blame the universe for the consequences your own intellectual incompetence.
No. As I pointed out before, "the universe" is in no way responsible for any limitations. The rock is NOT under any obligation to show you the diamonds it contains. You have to operate under the "laws" of the universe. You can complain about them all you want. But that still doesn't mean you can see through rock.

As an inhabitant of the universe, I object.
Then take it up with complaints department. I'm sure "The Truth" of the universe will tell you where that's located.