Reminds me of a similar but not really similar story:
I bought my mom an iPhone for Christmas. I was helping her transfer the SIM card from her old Smartphone to the iPhone. I popped the card out of the old phone and popped out the tray that holds the SIM card in the iPhone and ... proceeded to stick the SIM card directly into the iPhone. I spent the next hour fiddling with toothpicks trying to get it out without dissasembling the phone or suffering the embarassment of bringing it into the store (got it at an AT&T store instead of the local Apple Store). I finally looked online for tips from others that may have committed a similar brainfart and found one that suggested using scotch tape. Thankfully that did the trick and she now has a functioning phone. I'm jealous. Now I want one when my contract comes up in a few months. My Windows Mobile phone just isn't cutting it UI wise.
BTW, did anyone see the new 17" MacBook? Non-removeable (albeit 8 hour) battery!. I'm sure they replace it at the Apple Store for a small fee though.