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New I welcome the gloomier predictions --
It is historical Fact that Muricans are so perpetually self-absorbed in trivialities, that only a Huge SHOCK !!! can get noses out of fluff-Tee Vee ... longer than to take a pee and fill up the Nacho bowl.

(I said, 'predictions', I welcome -- nobody in right mind would welcome the actuality.)
But unless there are enough and compelling-enough DOOM-scenarios noised about, Reported! about and actually chewed over:
We Will get the Actuality, IMhO.


Fortunately too, the effect of the Unexpected-sort of Shocks-in-series -- can also galvanize a rare earth-wide spirit of cooperation
(unless someone as inept as a Shrub were in full-charge of a pivotal (ex-??) Power, in '09.)

Me.. I go for the Improbable -- as the few reliable (!?) Numbers are too depressingly inexorable.

Luck to us all.
Secret Sevice: no snoozing on the job. Wackos R'US
New geeze, can you at least wait until after 2010 superbowl?
New Not *JUST* Muricans...
Its all about the "It doesn't affect me, why should I care?" blase attitude. We have to be on the Brink of devastation to make changes.

IOW, we'd have to be facing *CERTAIN* extinction to change for the better. To stop pillaging to stop raping to stop back stabbing...

We would have to be facing absolutely overwhelming proof everywhere of our downfall (happening in our backyard type of thing) for people to "get it".

We know that [ most | some | a few ] human individuals are smart, but as [ groups | mobs | packs | gaggles ] humans are DUMB and react horribly as they can't be held accountable, or so they think when acting in "concert". The mentality is all over, corporate greed, the "They got theirs, I am too" stuff. The Government "Only protecting the nation" excuses. Many other examples are available and prove to the most part, humanity is doomed, until its too late... because then most will just say "Ah feck it, lets toke it up on the way out! Now, where was fifth of 35yr Scotch?"

Blah blah blah.
     Russian analyst predicts US breakup - (jay) - (11)
         I think Kunstler is more plausible. - (Another Scott) - (4)
             I welcome the gloomier predictions -- - (Ashton) - (2)
                 geeze, can you at least wait until after 2010 superbowl? -NT - (boxley)
                 Not *JUST* Muricans... - (folkert)
             does he copy and paste :-) its 1973 all over again - (boxley)
         Mythic Collapse - (mhuber) - (5)
             I think you put too much weight on Katrina. - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
                 La República de California, eh?:) -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
                     Hey - (crazy)
                     Our flag is ready. - (Andrew Grygus)
                 New Orleans is two things - (mhuber)

We have wet blue cow.
108 ms