It is historical Fact that Muricans are so perpetually self-absorbed in trivialities, that only a Huge SHOCK !!! can get noses out of fluff-Tee Vee ... longer than to take a pee and fill up the Nacho bowl.
(I said, 'predictions', I welcome -- nobody in right mind would welcome the actuality.)
But unless there are enough and compelling-enough DOOM-scenarios noised about, Reported! about and actually chewed over:
We Will get the Actuality, IMhO.
Fortunately too, the effect of the Unexpected-sort of Shocks-in-series -- can also galvanize a rare earth-wide spirit of cooperation
(unless someone as inept as a Shrub were in full-charge of a pivotal (ex-??) Power, in '09.)
Me.. I go for the Improbable -- as the few reliable (!?) Numbers are too depressingly inexorable.
Luck to us all.
Secret Sevice: no snoozing on the job. Wackos R'US