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New Actually not a bad idea
If you want to smuggle something into a restricted area, putting it into a childs gear might make sense, remember the chirrun with the grenades attached to them during the 60's?
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New You're stretching it.
Unless a 3-year old had body cavities bigger than I can imagine, there's no reason at all to wave a wand over it. Search the gear, OK I can see that. But if a 3-year old makes it through the metal detector? Geez.
Where each demon is slain, more hate is raised, yet hate unchecked also multiplies. - L. E. Modesitt
New Once you prance down the path of 'proving a negative'___well
New That's only bad to your binary way of thinking.
To one who sees knowledge as probabilistic, there's a lot to be said for trying to prove a negative. The more possible exceptions you rule out, the safer you become. What's wrong with maximizing one's odds? And given that smugglers have been caught sneaking drugs in babies' diapers, who can say what a terrorist may cram up a toddler? It's not like they're above hurting children or anything.

(Still, they really oughta put an "on" light on the metal detector, so they know immediately if someone's unplugged it. Like maybe those convicted felons and immigrants from Muslim countries that they've been letting run the place, which ought to have been gotten rid of long ago. Then they can give kids a hard time if they want to.)

So Ash, how do you go about testing a system before releasing it to the client?
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Again you miss the general - for liking a 'particular'
No argument about the capacity of humanoids to exploit Any possible outrage - especially.. while doing God's Work.

But an overview of our entire rationale ~ "Making Murica 'Safe'" from not merely every thus-far listable idiocy, but also: every one which no one has yet thought of! is a fool's errand.

Yes, an intelligent approximation must be made. Unfortunately and per usual: the 'rulez' imposed by such as Ashcroft and other Ministers of Safety Against Everything Imaginable - guarantee that intelligence *shall* be subordinated to endless checklists of The Known ploys; asinine confiscations of Medal of Honor awards with sharp points! ... and the like. (No one will EVER commandeer a flight with a BOX KNIFE or a Medal of Honor or similar. Not EVER. That is so obvious to all except.. the Protectors of All\ufffd)

Soon no one WILL take the trouble to 'fly' = mainly WAIT for Keystone Kops' time-wasting absurdities like the above, for LONGER than the flight would take. People will begin to just retrieve luggage, rent a car, leave.. plan next trip via ride, driver-sharing or TRAIN... bad as those are, due to our near-terminal indifference and lack of planning over decades.

We are so in love with mediocrity, especially of thought. Part of the McHomogenization everywhere, I guess.

(And you are so in love with blanket dismissals of such as, convicted felons and immigrants from Muslim countries that they've been letting run the place - that such phraseology sprinkled into every screed - just guarantees that your point, if any - shall be dismissed - as in, consider the source.)

     Three year-old killers! - (wharris2) - (9)
         That 'L' in LCD is well, pretty "least" - to say the least. -NT - (Ashton)
         heh..like the poor shmoo at the gate - (Simon_Jester)
         It could be worse. - (marlowe) - (1)
             They did do a background/screening yesterday - (wharris2)
         Actually not a bad idea - (boxley) - (4)
             You're stretching it. - (wharris2)
             Once you prance down the path of 'proving a negative'___well -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                 That's only bad to your binary way of thinking. - (marlowe) - (1)
                     Again you miss the general - for liking a 'particular' - (Ashton)

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