Er, do you mean, "those 'things'* which *I* cannot perceive", but another claims "to perceive"? Is one 'Right', the other 'Wrong'? One 'true/True' the other 'false/False'?

* mental concepts are distinctly un-thing-like, no?

How could *You* tell? Is there YAN nicely Boolean 'The Truth' here, hiding somewhere?

Le coeur a ses raisons, qui raisonnent seul ne percevront jamais**: Disallowed for being unBoolean? Subtle expression of wisdom? What's The Truth?

** ~ The heart has its reasons which reason alone shall never perceive

How does the concept of 'wisdom' differ from the concept of 'knowledge'? Is a single datum / factoid, 'knowledge'? And if a One becomes Certain of the False (say, even about the concept of 'The Truth'?) - where next?

...while you're 'defining' the limits of human perception.
(D'ya think there might be some limits to ordinary language re certain imaginable topics ?)

Yours for perfectly logical definitions of Truth,

Mysteries Solved Ltd.
Personal Universes Deconstructed While You Wait
Not responsible for lost Epiphanies or other disappointments

Recommended book, The Doors of Perception, Huxley.