They were no fun when they went to conventional size ~ #40? as said.. Lotsa stuff crammed onto rice-paper. Will be useful (in some scenarios) after EMP has taken out most transistors - unless it turns out that anybody who could read such a book - would be hunted down, exterminated by the mutant survivors, in that bleak future.

I guess the Chem Rubber Hdbk was our first glimpse of what information overload would look like.

Slide rules Rule on e-Bay (or did a couple years back when I looked). Pity I gave away my K&E Log Log Decitrig a while back. Besides - most calcs. are about a few-% estimate. Lots to be said for the discipline needed with a slide rule: ya gotta carry the decade multiplier in head. This forces a reasonable assessment of the order of magnitude you expect. The ez 10 digits of now throw-away calculators.. often gets you a quite precise number... off by 10\ufffd you forgot in some unit.

Nostalgia ain't what it used to be,
