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New That is exactly the idea
Put out minimal energy at points where you are afraid that contrary public discussion would be strongly detrimental to your interests to sap as many opposing resources as you can.

Disingenuous questions here is a rather effective way to execute that strategy, don't you think?

I invite everyone to take a look at the flamewar in the Microsoft forum, look at how much energy went on our part into that, and ask what some of those people, if they had been involved in other discussions on other forums, might have done. Thin in particular in terms of arguments advanced for throwing the book at Microsoft, which might be picked up by reporters and then find their way back to a certain judge.

Hell. There were arguments that appeared in that discussion which might have done damage elsewhere! But it didn't. All of that knowledge and perspective was bottled up here where it was safe (for Microsoft.

Not a bad investment...

New Un-intended consequences?
While that may be his aim, what he is accomplishing is to have us generate very clear, pointed counters to his points.

Which is fine, if they remain here.

But I also frequent other online forums and have no problem posting in those. ZD used to be a great place to encounter the MS astroturf.
     Stop calling Squidley a shill - (warmachine) - (11)
         Seconded. -NT - (admin)
         Thirded. - (static)
         Sorry, but I doubt it. - (CRConrad) - (2)
             Monumental stupidity is not unheard of - (warmachine)
             Not shill, shrill - (boxley)
         Call that... - (pwhysall)
         Disagreement - (ben_tilly) - (4)
             Shill or not, he doesn't advance much of an argument. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                 That is exactly the idea - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                     Un-intended consequences? - (Brandioch)
                 That could be the point - (morganek)

They had me at, “Get the Hot Wheels Rally Case!”
34 ms