It's an amazingly big amount of money, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be enough so far. This 4 page PDF - http://www.ustreas.g...2007Appendix1.pdf - says that the value of the world's capital markets is huge:
After reaching $150 trillion in 2001, the total size of financial markets fell to $124 billion [sic] in 2003, mostly as a result of declining commercial bank assets. Equity market capitalization declined in 2002, but then more than doubled from 2002 to 2006. The outstanding value of fixed income securities in circulation globally, particularly that of privately-issued debt instruments, grew steadily throughout the period,. In the three years from 2003 to 2006, total global financial assets increased in value by 53 percent, or $65 trillion. Over the same period, global GDP increased by $12 trillion, and the value of global trade in goods and services increased by $5.4 trillion.
The value of the markets must have fallen much more than $65T in the last few months, with additional losses not out of the realm of possibility. Spending half that (to pick a number out of the air) to keep the world economy out of a depression wouldn't be inconceivable, would it?