To think that EACH of those has some %retirement, %school investment caches -- along with the ill-gotten swag of all the ones who never did have any conception of 'adequacy' -- is just ... just incendiary is what I expect it Will Be.

If there proves to be NO ameliorating option appearing for the victims of any of these suede-shoe 30:1 leveraged scams, amidst all the other $100Bs down the rat-hole --

I expect that %n of those wiped out, will grab a couple of those 6.66 x [E6] guns strewn just everywhere, and head for some McMansion compounds (with the 6-car garages) ... guard-gate or no guard-gate (the underpaid bastard at said gate might well join the group, recalling the last $5 Xmas present from one of the Barons.)

(Even is ... well go there and see)

Pity that No-ONE has more than the foggiest about wtf to do, itis becoming apparent -- nobody ever had the source code to begin with and they are just vamping.

Tis a massacree. Which might become literal, I wot.