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New Kuwait
The 28% figure for Kuwait is interesting..

Kuwait wouldn't even exist right now if it weren't for us.
New Re: Kuwait wouldn't exist right now if it weren't for us.
That may be. But,

  1. the Kuwaitis also understand why we did it, i.e. oil (for ourselves)
  2. our strong support Israel while it is oppressing and humiliating their fellow Arabs

Pregnant women on way to hospital being shot (and husband killed) by IDF makes for incendiary TV news there.

As always in human nature, people ask "What have you done for me lately?".

"Of course, you realize this means war." -B. Bunny
New Couple of those might not be there today
Kuwait wouldn't exist today, but also look at Saudi Arabia - if our troops hadn't driven Saddam out of Kuwait, it was sure looking like Saddam had his eyes on Saudi Arabia and maybe more. From what I've seen of his character, he's wouldn't have stopped until he was stopped.

Where each demon is slain, more hate is raised, yet hate unchecked also multiplies. - L. E. Modesitt
     Muslim opinion poll - (wharris2) - (3)
         Kuwait - (Steve Lowe) - (2)
             Re: Kuwait wouldn't exist right now if it weren't for us. - (a6l6e6x)
             Couple of those might not be there today - (wharris2)

GAWD have these people never used SOFTWARE before!!!!!!!!!!
32 ms