And anyone running for public office who does not GROK TO FULLNESS that vital POINT -- has already proven unfit to 'lead' anything larger than a Chihuahua on a leash.
The Mob burned the Library at Alexandria after flaying-alive Hypatia; that was no myth - that happened.
'08 mobs have techno-assist + not a single extra neurons/unit than that earlier mob.
Why is it that so much of this class of behavior has now, for all good recent historical examples -- become inextricably associated with ANY Repo 'campaign'?
(Rove, as McCarthy and Father Coughlan before.. merely reached into their gelatinous mass and found the most concise form of expression of the core-putrescence seen - and patented it.)
Göbbels did that-all with more polish, but with the same misanthropic viciousness.
Rove is too vain to acknowledge his mentor. But we can.
May he and Cheney *Know* Shame, for the First Time ... before they expire.
(Rush has Seen his disease - why else the constant need for numbing drugs?)