Post #299,000
11/5/08 8:12:35 AM

hehehe stevens wins
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
Post #299,002
11/5/08 8:30:57 AM

But, with any luck, he still goes to jail.
The folks of the petro-state up there must be morally bankrupt to vote for a man who's been fleecing the country on their behalf. And, enriching himself in the process.
I say, Shame!
Post #299,003
11/5/08 8:37:43 AM

I don't think
the charges were theft of government money. Just accepting free stuff.
Still pretty sad though.
Post #299,009
11/5/08 11:01:51 AM

So there's an extra transaction
It's accepting free stuff in exchange for government money.
You don't give gifts like that out of friendship and then rat out the friend unless the friend backstabs you but good. And we would have heard about the backstab. Well, unless you are a total born rat, but a total born rat doesn't last long in that kind of business environment.
No, you give stuff like that and then turn when it is business. And business means profit, so the value of the quid has to be significantly less than the value of the quo. Graft costs much more than outright theft.
Post #299,006
11/5/08 9:22:01 AM

roads hospitals airports
in exchange for 25% of the nations oil isnt exactly fleecing
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
Post #299,008
11/5/08 11:00:21 AM
11/5/08 11:00:36 AM

Last I heard the oil was not donated to the nation.
We don't build roads, hospitals, and airports in Saudi Arabia or Venezuela.

Edited by a6l6e6x
Nov. 5, 2008, 11:00:36 AM EST
Post #299,010
11/5/08 11:04:14 AM

last I heard
the land under which the oil was found was not donated to the oil companies either or all of that federal land was not donated by the tribes that owned it.
Im pretty sure I85 was not built by NC :-)
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
Post #299,012
11/5/08 11:07:10 AM

I-85 was probably 90% federal.
But, that's why there's a federal tax on fuel. No free lunch!
Post #299,058
11/5/08 10:42:06 PM

It may not be over yet...
=== begin cut ===
Indeed, it seems possible that the number of "questionable" ballots could be quite high. So far, about 220 thousand votes have been processed in Alaska. This compares with 313 thousand votes cast in 2004. After adding back in the roughly 50,000 absentee and early ballots that Roll Call accounts for, that would get us to 270 thousand ballots, or about a 14 percent drop from 2004. It seems unlikely that turnout would drop by 14 percent in Alaska given the presence of both a high-profile senate race and Sarah Palin at the top of the ticket.
But even if Begich were to make up ground and win a narrow victory, this would seem to represent a catastrophic failure of polling, as three polls conducted following the guilty verdict in Stevens' corruption trial had Begich leading by margins of 7, 8 and 22 points, respectively.
=== end cut ===
It seems very strange. Nate talks about 3 possible scenarios.
Post #299,077
11/6/08 9:46:31 AM

polling doesnt work well in alaska
for fedreral seats.because you can usually only poll white folks in cities reliably which holds the highest population of democrats. Add to that the fact that bush alaska is overwhelmingly democrat EXCEPT for the federal seats where they hold stevens and young in reverence.
I notice that the source of the article doesnt mention or appear to know about polls in the bush where few households have telephones and a deep suspicion of strangers asking questions
Absentee ballots usually break the same way as the votes but in this case may be higher for stevens because the National Guard is overseas, they are largly native troops from traditional areas.
Questioned ballots are usually in the population centers because of showing up at the wrong polling place.
Every federal election the ADN trumpets polls that show democrats finally taking the seats from ted and don, then they scratch their heads after the votes come in.
The polls dont take into effect that alaskans are very polarized towards the trial blaming a political washington witch hunt. Most insisted that the trial should have been held in alaska.
As far as Begich himself, I have had a lot of conversations with him over the years and he would make an excellent senator after Ted dies or is retired. Although democratic he is hugely pragmatic. As an example while assemblyman he would actually look at every line item in the municipal budget and understand what he was looking at.
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
Post #299,090
11/6/08 11:39:17 AM

Thanks Hard to understand why there's be fewer votes though.
Post #299,092
11/6/08 12:14:53 PM

not really, changing population will do it
doesnt give the whole picture. Alaska has a lot of new people coming in and out. Not as much as the 80's where a person only lived there for 5 years or less. A migrant population usually isnt interested in local politics so doesnt get registered to vote. Since Alaska is usually ignored and the polls are still open when the Presidential winner is declared a lot of folks dont bother. The older folks and the natives have a vote of over 80% of the times. The city folks range from 20% in off years to the most I have ever heard of of 43% turnout in a slobberknocker mayoral election in anchorage
as you see in the doc a large portion of the municipal population of anchorage and fairbanks is military. They may or may not choose to vote lacally, the could be more interested in voting absentee in their home races.
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
Post #299,562
11/12/08 8:08:25 PM

Mark Begich up by 3 votes at the moment...
Post #299,566
11/12/08 9:07:18 PM

military absentee isnt in yet, and a lot more ballots to go
remeber, they will count the anchorage absentee votes first, then the outliers and that favors begich, Still gonna be close.