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New Pretty much. Neither one works.
The unknown piece in that is the reaction of the economy to each plan. McCain's plan relies on the "hope" that cutting corp taxes will increase business levels and negate what the CBO is projecting as revenue losses.

The Obama plan is pretty much status quo on tax levels to business...so CBO projected losses are a good assumption.

What is absolutely clear is that neither one gets the underlying problem with our economy at this point and both are actually feeding into the problem instead of providing a remedy for it.
New Doubt anybody really understands
Given the complexities of the current finance crisis and how much of it is unregulated and undocumented transactions, I doubt anybody really understands.

In any case, both of their economic platforms seen designed more around making a good public statement more then actually being implemented. They are both cookie cutter plans designed around what works well in a speech right now, not what should be implemented down the road.

     One for Beep: Fiscal implications of candidates' plans. - (Another Scott) - (2)
         Pretty much. Neither one works. - (beepster) - (1)
             Doubt anybody really understands - (jay)

I may have trouble bruising, but the above mentioned injuries left red areas.
45 ms