I saw it friday. It was pretty good, four stars out of five. Good Special Effects, some good action scenes, and some funny lines. Some of the acting may have been better, but this was a good start. I hope they make another one.
Unlike the original movie, this one stays close to the novel. It is not Earth that the guy first lands on, it is another planet. How did the Apes get so evolved? I'll leave the movie to explain that. Also a shock ending, but not like the original.
Not all of the Apes are against the humans, Ari (if I got her name right) is a Chimp that seems to be a human rights activist. Thade, is of course the villian and is out to capture Leo, the human from space that landed on the planet. The humans on this planet talk, but are slaves of the Apes and kept as pets or killed. It seems the humans of this planet did not have invention beyond that of the caveman or broze age and the Apes took over.