Post #298,567
10/29/08 3:30:37 PM
Re: How do you like it?
Well, this is one of the octo-core dual-processor Mac Pro monsters. Fittingly, I also have 2 screens for it, since it can support it out of the box.
As far as how I like it...It's nice. It's fast, it's slick, and while I've had some growing pains, for the most part, stuff Just Works. Which is why I got it in the first place. I don't hate the keyboard or the Mighty Mouse, like I thought I would in both cases. The OS is rock solid, semi-unixy (which is good since I'm so friggin' used to linux), and all the apps I need are either pre-installed or easy to find. I had to install the developer tools, obviously, but that was shipped on Disc 2 in the box.
I've been counseled by a couple of folks that iWork is worth the $70 or so it costs instead of installing OpenOffice. I have yet to get either of them installed on here, so I can't say with any certainty there.
Otherwise, it all Just Works. Plugging in my iPhone doesn't pop up incessant messages about a new camera connected. I don't have to mess around with wireless (I got the wireless preinstalled)...That just works. I had to spend $25 on an iMic, because the Mac Pro microphone port requires a powered microphone. That's about it, other than discretionary expenses that I've put into it.
I do not run either Windows or Linux on it, and I do not plan to for either.
Overall: it was a wise investment for me. I'm tired of fighting with Linux and refuse to run Windows, so this choice was pretty easy.
Post #298,584
10/29/08 6:49:41 PM
I know you hate futzing with Linux...
But I guess its just something of a curse for you.
Please lets remember that.
Then we have people like me that have nearly ZERO issues over the years (yes I have had a couple)
Overall for me, it just works.
Post #298,587
10/29/08 7:51:40 PM
I run it on a desktop at work because it is better than windows as a remote head for servers
I dislike some of the increased complexity of the last few years from an admin point of view
of course I still use getty so what do I know :-)
if lemmy and god had a wrestling match who would win?
Post #298,591
10/29/08 9:24:42 PM
There's more to it than that.
Logic Pro and video editing, for two.
Regards, -scott <i>Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.</i>
Post #298,609
10/30/08 9:00:39 AM
Yes. Yes I do.
And I would submit that I have a *MUCH* higher tolerance for computer-related pain than your average user.
Based on that, I will submit (and I would have maintained even when I used it) that Linux is *not* ready for the general-user's desktop experience. There are lots and lots of really smart people working on Linux. But they're way too involved in internal politics of my-kit-is-better-than-your-kit (KDE vs. GNOME, rabid GNU adherents vs. those who would rather just get stuff done, etc.) There's a missing of the forest for the trees.
We should be further along than we are by now. It's sad that Linux isn't there yet.
Post #298,616
10/30/08 10:37:25 AM
You have *HIT* the complete problem...
NOT Building on others work and being all NIH (Not Invented Here)...
Case in point, HP making its own Linux distro, except...
They host many of Debian Machines that *BUILD* Debian, many that *HOST* master Debian repositories, the Mailing List machine(s), QA Machines, Experimental machines. IOW, HP really does host Debian hugely.
That whole attitude pervades the entire *Linux* mindset. Worst part of it is... *EVERYONE* wants to either work on the "Next Best Thing" or Eye Candy or nothing of real substance to getting things like YOU experienced fixed.
Post #298,647
10/30/08 6:04:14 PM
My feelings in a nutshell.
Windows is too much aggravation on a daily basis, so I only use that for non-gaming activities when someone's willing to pay me for it.
Linux doesn't do the things I need and, as the recent shenanigans (still only kludged around, rather than fixed) on odin show, bites me in the poorly-documented arse from time to time.
Linux is great for serving Java applications and stuff like that. It's not so great for lazy bastids like me who just want to read their mail, do a little surfing, play a few games and have truly great font rendering.
It's the little things like the services; the text areas with built in grammar and spell checking; apps like Delicious Library; iTunes (yeah, some hate it. I love it.). The fact that Jobs rules the GUI with an iron fist means that you don't get the Windows Disease of every company feeling the need to reinvent the toolbox/menu/GUI to achieve "brand separation".
I've never pretended that OS X will work for everyone, but it works for me. My very first reaction to OS X, some five years ago, was "*this* is how it was supposed to be!".
I've not had any real cause to change that opinion yet.
Post #298,649
10/30/08 7:11:00 PM
I discovered some years ago that it was not taken amiss if I told IT recruiters that I don't want a job supporting Windows servers. It's too stressful. Probably gave a few of them pause for thought...
Post #298,662
10/30/08 8:51:23 PM
Ive felt like that since NeXt, way it should be
easy peasy on the fron end, unixy enuff in a terminal server for dodderers
if lemmy and god had a wrestling match who would win?
Post #298,607
10/30/08 8:51:01 AM
Go Mike - welcome to the cool/smug kids club :-)
Post #298,608
10/30/08 8:54:52 AM
Thanks! My beret fits well. :)
Post #298,645
10/30/08 5:51:23 PM
"Semi UNIXy"
In an "Actual, real, proper UNIX" kind of way, you mean?
Post #298,646
10/30/08 5:54:11 PM
"Semi UNIXy" == Not case sensitive.