Hi Ashton!
Nah, we didn't have too much water where we live. A little water in the basement, but that was about it, and not much more than we normally get in a heavy rain.
However, some areas near here were flooded really bad, Lindbergh, which is a major road around here, was actually flooded so bad it was shut down in places. And a lot of low lying areas were flooded also.
A lot of people weren't so lucky though, they had water in their basements, in their cars, everywhere.
I haven't been online a lot because I fell on the driveway near the end of September. The fall twisted my ankle, pulled a tendon in my left arm, and landed me solidly on my left arm and wrist. I also had pretty bad scrapes and or bruises on both arms, my knees, and my elbows. I saw the dr yesterday and they actually decided to do an x-ray of my ankle, because it still hurts. But I was relieved to find out that the reason my arm was going numb when I typed even a little while on the computer, was because the pulled tendon is somehow pressing on the nerve that is affected by RSI. So I get frustrated because I can't type very long without my left elbow feeling all tingly and weird.
They said my arm should heal up in a few more weeks, hopefully. The bruises and scrapes are pretty much almost gone, but the soreness is hanging around. ;)And I'll know tomorrow if anything is broken in my foot, they are supposed to call me with the results.

Edited by
Oct. 23, 2008, 01:24:55 AM EDT