An intelligent approach to IP / copyright / patents can be beneficial to business overall, although the IP holders might not believe so -- but they aren't the only companies that matter.
And, as Lessig points out in an article Ben Tilly linked to, even for copyright holders, restricting copyright is both bad (possible loss of income) and GOOD (making it easier to build on other people's work without fear of lawsuits).
Dan Gilmor of the SJ Merc has been hammering on this issue, too.
Just to give one example: do you think software patents help or hurt the software business overall? I think the answer is obvious -- and getting rid of (or severely restricting) software patents would be very friendly to the overall software business.
The current RIAA/MPAA approach (as exemplified by the DMCA, SSCA proposal, etc) is only beneficial to a few select companies.