You are blaming your current problems on powers beyond your control. Namely a group of assholes who are no longer in your life.
Until you figure out that they are no longer in your life, you won't be able to get on with rebuilding living. And that sucks.
You have to learn to stop saying, "They did this to me..." Instead start accepting responsibility for your life. Yeah, the past sucks. Yeah, nothing is going to make the past any better. But making yourself forever a victim of the past will certainly make the future a lot worse.
It is your life. I won't talk any more about this because if you want to fuck it up, there isn't a hell of a lot I can do about it. But every time you continue to whine, a little bell goes off inside my head saying, "I see that Norm hasn't taken responsibility for his life yet." And I feel no sympathy.