Post #295,848
11/10/07 3:18:23 AM

Exercising uncharacteristic restraint, I bought just half -
but I guess I know what I'll be eating for the next few days.
This is the aft half of the loin so its quite meaty - 11 pounds. I've already disassembled it with small pieces freezing, the bones and tiny pieces simmering for soup, and a couple slices fried up for supper - but that leaves some pretty hefty hunks awaiting disposition.
It's a more tender part of the pig than I usually buy, but at US $.99/# it was as as good a deal as the butts and picnics I usually buy.
Post #295,859
11/10/07 7:58:18 AM

I love pork.
I am one of the few people I know around here who can cook it without drying it out.
I have been experimenting with different types of oils for pan frying. Just got some really good pecan oil.
The familia devoured my center-cut boneless chops fried up in it with pomegranate-mango chipotle sauce.
Smile, Amy
Post #295,869
11/10/07 3:13:32 PM

So now you're going to pig out? :)
Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law. -- Sophocles (496? - 406 BCE)
Post #295,870
11/10/07 3:16:42 PM

Post #295,888
11/10/07 11:48:00 PM

I've got a new Philippine cookbook . . . (25k)
. . that's much better than my old one. It's got several recipes that combine pork (Ive got a bit of a surplus of pork) with squid - so I went down to Manila (it's only 5 miles) and scored me a couple of lovely 2 pounders. Here's a portrait of one of them.
Post #295,938
11/11/07 10:19:36 PM
11/11/07 10:20:01 PM

Tangy Pig and Squid - Delicious!
As threatened, here's a Philippine recipe for [link||Pork with Squid]. Delicious!
It did, however, force me to update my page [link||Cleaning, Cutting & Cooking Large Squid] with all new pictures (the old ones were pretty bad).
Post #296,002
11/12/07 9:06:10 PM

And now Squid with Pig (32k)
[link||Squid Stuffed with Pork]
Post #296,057
11/14/07 11:10:14 PM
11/15/07 8:11:29 PM

The last of the pig - simple and delicious . . . (40k)
. . and not even fish sauce in this one.
[link||Pork Strips with Sauce] (China Sichuan).
Post #296,103
11/15/07 8:19:46 PM

Very nice.
[link||IWeThey Custom Search Engine]
Post #296,118
11/16/07 9:17:46 AM

Damn, that looks good!
Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law. -- Sophocles (496? - 406 BCE)
Post #296,143
11/16/07 10:44:47 PM

Oh daaaaaym - I've gone an done it again . . . (36.6k)
. . this time an even bigger lump of pig - 13-1/2 pounds for U.S. $13.40 - and look at that expanse of hog hide! Yum!
I was running low on lard anyway, and scraping that hide'll fix that right handily.
Post #296,146
11/17/07 12:03:51 AM

Once again...<homer> Drool</homer>
Smile, Amy
Post #296,149
11/17/07 5:58:42 AM

Very nice ham. Dye it green, sam i am.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #296,159
11/17/07 11:25:56 AM

Isn't it the eggs supposed to be green?