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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Is there >anyplace< that hasn't...
...either screwed you or someone you know?

Is there any wonder...
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Then too, there was the time
that he wrote a check for a church donation.. and the pastor kited the check.


Norm! a [Rx] for ya.

Look back carefully..

Notice a couple of Good Times\ufffd (er maybe a few sessions After the one where you lost yer virginity OK? that #1 is oft a bummer, I hear..)


Dwell on those *ONLY* FOR ONE FULL 24-HOUR DAY

[/ Rx]

It is *ALL* in our minds.. ALL!
New Let me think about it for a few moments
Places that haven't screwed me or someone I know:

#1 The Coca Cola Corp

#2 Sony

#3 Gateway

#4 ID Software

#5 Saturn (Think cars, not the planet)

#6 AMD

#7 Compaq

#8 Abit

#9 Fox Network TV

#10 O'Reilly books

Sorry, I can only think of about ten of them. Maybe I can think about more of them later? I would have put "Ben & Jerry's" but I think someone told me they were out of business?

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
     Well... - (folkert) - (6)
         Working for Community Colleges - (nking) - (5)
             Is there >anyplace< that hasn't... - (bepatient) - (2)
                 Then too, there was the time - (Ashton)
                 Let me think about it for a few moments - (nking)
             Working at Community Colleges - (folkert) - (1)
                 What I did as a Tech - (nking)

Nobody has that much Schadenfreude in him.
78 ms