And you have grokked perhaps the most insidious aspect of the entire UAV hysteria, perfectly IMhO:
Re: Are they actually "safe":Yes.. the start of the Arms Race - get biiger armaments against the Other Road enenmy. Lust after a HumVee, later with gun port. ---> no end to that mindset, in sight.
"The Ford Explorer is 18 times more likely to cause a fatality of occupants in the other vehicle in a collision than a typical car."
How aptly they described the lobbying; showed that smarmy flak, Jerry Curry (sp?) who launched the Bigger is Better counter to the Bryan Bill.. which would have restored a semblance of sanity re both fuel efficiency and overall safety = also for the NON-UAV drivers.
{sigh} The implications are staggering. It's like leaving the reactor-safety design for a fleet of passenger ships to: Dan Quayle and Ballmer.
Enough defunding and ennui next - and PBS shall disappear (Frontline and Nova with it) and we shall have 100% Corporate Infotainment 24/7. (Except for small subscription organs one might ferret out, send for).
I believe we are actually in danger of that occurring, such is the disconnect between the daily mind-numbing ad-barrage and: actual human conversation and exposition. Are we that near to surrendering to the Suited manipulators, entirely? No proof possible.. but the daily rhetoric causes me to 'feel' that we just might give up on er 'The Open Society'; it's too much trouble to look beyond the daily Disneyland BS - for too many folk, apparently.
glad I saw this.
depressed at what I saw.