Truth is that which is the case.
Again, 1 + 1 = 2. Nice revelation.

Long term Truth is that which remains the case over time.

Does that mean that the "Truth" on Tuesday is not the "Truth" on Wednesday?

"Truth" changes over time?

All of you quit your pomo whining and deal with it.
For those who do not know, "pomo" is Marlowe's cute abreviation for "postmodern".

Although he doesn't know what "postmodern" means (just like he doesn't know what "Truth" means). He likes to sprinkle such words throughout his posts so it will seem that he is more intellectual than he really is.

You see, "postmodern" in a political sense would be 1950's values (or there abouts) because "modern" in a political sense would be "political correctness". So when he says "postmodern" he means "conservative". Wellllllllllllllll......... >HE< doesn't mean "conservative". Which is the really funny part of the joke.