That was a concession to reality, and there's nothing wrong with that. It wasn't any "new" reality, either, so shut up all you "things change and we must keep up-to-date in our thinking" yammerers. It was the ancient reality that those who don't defend themselves adequately are doomed.
Reality doesn't respond to concessions in a mean manner. (At least not to concessions made to it.) Rather, it punishes refusal to concede. And this is why it's good to make concessions to long term reality, but not to ideological opponents. To the ideologue, concession is a sign of weakness, to be exploited. To reality, concession is a friendly overture, to be rewarded.
And we shouldn't concede too much to short term reality, either. It'll change back and catch you unprepared. Clinton did that with his fiscal priorities, and now the U.S.S. Kennedy is scrambling to get itself back into fighting trim.
Truth is that which is the case. Long term Truth is that which remains the case over time. All of you quit your pomo whining and deal with it.