GOP Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia has [link|| sent a letter] to Oversight Committee chair Henry Waxman demanding a probe into the "scandal."
"It is time for The New York Times to answer publicly, on the record, and under oath for its conduct," Davis writes. "You have repeatedly challenged the public statements of administration and private industry officials and sought testimony under oath. It is time for you to give equal treatment to The New York Times."
Davis issued a similar call for hearings last week, but his current one is noteworthy because it was inspired by yesterday's [link|| piece] by The Times's public editor, Clark Hoyt, which reported that the paper had acknowledged that charging MoveOn the price it paid for the ad was a "mistake."
Davis has powerful political incentives for taking on The Times. He's running for the Senate seat of the retiring John Warner and [link|| faces a likely primary challenge] from his right -- so attacking the paper is an easy way to put a little sheen on his tarnished conservative bona fides.
The full letter is [link|| here]. Meanwhile, our take on how Hoyt dropped the ball with his piece on this is [link|| here] at The Horse's Mouth.
This is another bit of grandstanding by Davis, who ran the Government Reform Committee that [link||subpoenaed Terri Schiavo]...
I agree with some of the comments on TPM that Davis has no chance against Mark Warner, if he decides to run for Senate to replace John Warner.
Pardon me while I give Mr. Davis, my Congressman, a piece of my mind.